I think the Daily Show had a good response to the Janet Jackson thing which applies here.
I think the Daily Show had a good response to the Janet Jackson thing which applies here.
Okay I get that "negging" is a thing, but when it's in a critique of your work, it does NOT mean the author wants to bone you.
Wait. What?
The one rare article I found on Slate was directly related to the conventions and it was from the perspective of a single, working woman.
Plus she missed the point entirely. It's not that poor women want to go back to some patriarchy of the early 20th century where women could either breed or become a spinster and the men had all the fun.
I know, right? It's not OUR fault we tore the place apart. SHE should have known better than to rent to us.
Slate had a good article on why teenage girls might be a little risky (risky being relative) in their fashion choices. It has more to do with the fact that they're hitting puberty and trying to figure stuff out than trying to be promiscuous. I'd also add that teenagers (BOTH genders) go through a period of…
Funny you say that. That's what I always thought about Tucker Carlson. I assumed some liberal chick spurned him once way back when and he has been bitter ever since.
Okay I'm going to take a WILD guess that Patrick Howley might have wanted a cable show of his own but maybe didn't get it?
You see that sentiment a lot in gender discrimination and affirmative action suits. "Well yeah that person didn't get X. S/he wasn't qualified enough! It had nothing to do with discrimination!" Well take a look what "qualified" means, which we rarely do. It's one of those words everyone thinks has an agreed…
No she never was, however, my dad controls all of the money. He was and still is a total cheapskate and very strict about what she would get.
Thank you! I need to get a copy of it somewheres.
Maybe you're right. But when The Powers That Be are constantly re-calibrating what "merit" means (to suit their own comfort levels or whatever other reason), then "meritocracy" becomes a snipe hunt for the rest of us. It ceases to be about equality altogether.
A good example is my very old school parents who like to think they're so open-minded. They're really not.
I read about a study somewhere (End of Men maybe?) that addressed "meritocracy" and proved why it was a crock.
Have you ever been to one of these meetings? Think about it. An open platform where anyone can give an opinion on anything (regardless of relevancy) and everyone else HAS to listen. (Except no one else is really listening because they're focused on what they're going to say or have said.)
I agree with that too. Even her own father's campaign wanted her off his campaign bus back in 2008 because she couldn't keep it together. She is pretty harmless, and it's not a shock that no one takes her seriously.
Plus there is no such thing as "doing it all."
I blame it on her parents who sheltered her far, far too much.
Don't be so sure he doesn't know. There's an Everybody Loves Raymond episode about this exact issue. I can't find the clip. Help anyone?