
Plus — I hate to say it because I feel like I say it every time Meghan decides to jump into a debate — plenty of advocates, working women, politicians, columnists, etc. have been talking about the "challenges women face at work now." We've been talking about this for awhile. Awhile meaning that these discussions

I guess I'm not entirely surprised that men are doing less and less of the traditionally female housework/childcare duties. Think about it. If both the husband and wife work, all a man has to do is literally nothing to maintain 1950s gender norms. He can work late hours, take on all the big projects, travel

I was just about to say that. I'm not really surprised. Is anyone else?

Okay you said it better than I did in my other comment. THANK YOU!

Sure but I'm going to nitpick.

Whereas I prefer the direct approach when it's just one offender.

It's also a double standard.

I nearly went bananas once when the secretary sent out an email, telling everyone that the dishwasher* as hungry for dirty dishes and would please feed the dishwasher so he wasn't so angry?

My experience on planes and all forms of transportation with men sitting next to me:

Note the usage of "girls" and "men." Very subtle, but it sends a message. When it comes to football, females are "girls" and males are "men."

No you're right. We really want kids, but I just don't see how I'd ever have the time to recover. I've got a job to worry about keeping (and yes I know it's illegal but I don't want to come back to a job with zero duties), a paycheck (because I don't want to solely rely on my husband for income), and everything

Here's my response.

Right. Like how Mitt Romney intentionally conflated birth control pills with the morning after pill. Deep down they probably know the truth, but they're just pushing misinformation out there in the hopes of firing up their base and women-hating donors.

I will be more emotionally invested than you in our interactions. I will have left my heart on my sleeve, not because I was already infatuated with you, but because I thought you could’ve been something more than some woman who felt the need to lie to me rather than tell me the direct truth that you didn’t want to see

Not in my case no. My parents really did believe it. (I think they still do!) My mom told me that boys could be animals and it didn't matter when/where/who and that they'd pretend to be your friend but trash you to everyone else or they'd buy you nice things to try to bribe you and that they were experts at doing

My old school parents raised me to believe that all guys wanted sex, and men will say and do anything to get it from me so I had to watch out.

Because he's deciding not just for himself or for Morales but for an entire gender how they should feel about their own individual weight — a gender which he is not and has zero experience being. He literally told her (and all the viewers) not only how to feel but that there is no obsession over it. He didn't say

I would give anything for a People cover story debating on whether Roker's body is bikini ready or not. Seriously. That's the only way he'll understand.

I can see why he wouldn't make the connection. He never ever really got flak for his weight. He was never scrutinized the way that women are. Yes he documented his weight loss experience, but people weren't drawing negative conclusions from it the way they would for women.

"You don't obsess about it, you let it go," Roker said, chiding Morales. "You just say what it is and then it's done. There's no obsession."