If some guy said that to me, I'd probably respond with, "Well by uttering such a statement, you've proven to me that you are correct in not being worthwhile to talk to."
If some guy said that to me, I'd probably respond with, "Well by uttering such a statement, you've proven to me that you are correct in not being worthwhile to talk to."
Exactly. I get ragey by the, "But my tax dollars are paying for something I'm morally against!" nonsense like it's some new-fangled thing.
Aren't Catholics supposed to hate the sin, love the sinner?
No. He just doesn't want his money to pay for someone else to get it because God supposedly hates stuff like this.
Yeah that's what I thought too. Is this article being satirical? I CANNOT TELL!
She looks great and all, but I would be terrified to sit down.
hang on to the traditional markers of masculinity.
And the CEO was shocked (SHOCKED I TELL YOU) that some people are actually offended by his restaurant.
The same way they do when we had female Secretaries of State (who do the bulk of the negotiations anyway)...is my guess. I really don't see how that's any different.
You are correct about Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner too, but...are there more female roles like hers?
They're not, but I think the implication here is that there is (and always has been) an over abundance of romance in TV and movies targeted at women. This vehicle aims to give SOME balance.
Where do cable TV networks get these people? Seriously. It's not just MSNBC but the bulk of news shows. I get that there's a panic when you have to fill 24 hours/day full of content, especially in the summer, but seriously? You're just scraping.
Yeah but if you were confronted about your behavior, wouldn't you apologize and try to redeem yourself in some way? Try to rectify things?
Yep. Now that I'm remembering it, my sister actually went out to happy hour with one of her bullies* and said, "You know what? You were terrible to me. I did nothing to you and you were just awful to me because I was shy and I wouldn't fight back. It wasn't cool, and I'm not really interested in hanging out now or…
You're assuming she'd see herself in a bully description. I'm not so sure. I've heard about other horrible, awful childhood bullies who, as adults, have zero recollection of the pain they've inflicted. NONE!
Interesting that your FB friends, eh? I would not go that far with my old bullies.
You still might. I'd be surprised if people were aware of their biases.
I think it goes back to celebrity arrogance and the faith we bestow upon them.
Your completely rational comment just put the NY Times out of the business of reporting on these "trend stories."
Everytime I see Rhianna and fashion, I have to go back and read this.