Somewhat related to this article.
Somewhat related to this article.
Our wedding is in a couple of weeks. While I would never dream of confiscating someone's phone, there are a couple of reasons there is no internet evidence of our wedding. (I learned the hard way from a broken engagement that once you register in ONE spot, that shit IS EVERYWHERE. And to track it all down and ask…
I never held her in high regard because she presented herself as unique and different while completely disregarding that a) it has all been done before and b) those were iconic legends.
And that crap bugs me. We women get SO MUCH grief for it. We're humiliated in movies and TV shows for acting like that. But when men hit Marriage O'Clock it's pretty much unheard of!
Not that I could tell. I'm guessing 1 of 2 things. Either he was a total commitmentphobe and didn't want to take personal responsibility for it or he doesn't really like women making the first move*.
Yep, yep! I know Miss Manners gets ragey at guests' entitlement, but she's operating under the assumption all wedding guests want to get to know each other. Don't get me wrong. Some do. I just think when you're in a room full of strangers, there's a stronger inclination to stick to faces you know.
Is this why going to weddings single in your 30s suck? I gave up doing it. I always sat alone at a table full of couples. No one wanted to talk to me. Try striking up a conversation? Forget it. The guys would give one word answers and refuse eye contact. (I actually had a guy take a look at me, say nothing, and…
I had a guy friend who was constantly whining about being single and women never make the first move. We all went out one night, and a lovely lady got his digits. When she called him, he freaked out and called her a psycho.
I don't understand this. When I had long hair, I would get so many headaches when I'd run. I could feel the weight pulling at my scalp.
I went to high school with a girl who could never cut off her hair. She couldn't ever wear pants either. (I think it was against her religion, but I'm not sure.) I bet she would have welcomed the opportunity for a hair thief.
"We bring the perspective of 'OK, if you do this, this is what can happen. We don't want to see you in court,' " Ihlenfeld said.
It reminds me of Barbara Ehrenreich's response to a breast cancer diagnosis. She was given crayons and paper to "draw out" her emotions from her diagnosis. Mind, you she was in her 50s. To paraphrase, she was like WTF??!??! I think she said something like, "What do men get after a cancer diagnosis? Action figures…
Yep. This woman dropped out of college in the 1950s because she got married and had kids. She kept pressuring her daughter to study art and be an artist, and her daughter never wanted to do that.
And that's the crux of the argument. It's not about being wrong or right. These are cautionary tales!
I mentioned this in an earlier comment. We need to examine why it is backfiring and not just today but when women were doing it 60 years ago.
Wow. That story is identical to the anecdote in the Feminine Mystique!
why would these ambitious women ever be satisfied to just stay at home?
One of my theories why women leave (and try to convince themselves it's for the best) is because yes, they can't do everything perfectly. But I don't think it's because the demands of work and motherhood are too much. It's because they've probably got spouses that won't do laundry or anything else around the house,…
A political reporter went back to Santorum's frat to decipher whether or not he was actually bullied for being a conservative. Turns out 4-5 of the guys said Rick was an okay dude who occasionally made positive comments about Regan. But that was pretty much it. He was neither here nor there. One of them even went…
Offensive lyrics + cultural appropriation = MORE attention