
Plus waitresses are paid to: take your orders, smile, bring you your food and whatever else you want whenever you want it, and ensure your dining experience is positive. She is beholden to the almighty dollar, making it difficult to advocate for herself if she feels uncomfortable.

But here's the thing. A good percentage of them get uncomfortable when you call them on it. Like when I got groped on public transportation, I caused a scene. The guy got totally ashamed and denied it. When a stranger asked me out at work in front of coworkers, I didn't say anything and then said, "Wow. That was

A) dude watched one too many romcoms. What works on the screen DOES NOT WORK IN REAL LIFE!

I've never understood the value in complimenting women you don't know in inappropriate situations. Hell...even if it's a woman you DO know.

Yogurt and shopping. Duh!

Yes. I think his mommy didn't love him enough. At least that's what I think when I see dudebros trying to be "edgy" and "provocative" in discussion. I really don't need to relive my poli sci discussion classes again. Just go back to college and stay there.

Plus these issues were already decided a long time ago so I'm unclear as to why we're resurrecting them again? I don't get it. I really don't. What is the GOP going to consider next?

Here's the problem: you can't extrapolate abortion and other reproductive freedoms from the holistic argument. Anne Romney tried very hard to do this when she was talking about women and the economy, stating that women don't care about birth control. She failed.

Yep, yep. That's my problem with her: career choices. She gets roles that infantilize herself, and it's irritating to me. Further, she even complained about those roles several months ago, but I've yet to see her break out of them. (Maybe I need to wait longer.)

Yes! That's exactly what I was thinking. Plus it's such manipulative move, right?

"It's satire, it's comedy, we didn't mean any harm by it," Anselm added.

I remember once my brother was teasing my sister for wearing nail polish because he thought it was trampy. He called her the Whore of Babylon on Christmas Eve, and made her cry. My parents would just tell him to knock it off, but that's it.

I love this example too. We women get all the flack for being uptight, hypersensitive, and overly emotional.


It's what I call the libertarian approach:

The person who ran my anti-sexual harassment training said, "Common sense isn't always common."

Wow. Well to quote my mother* when I kept getting into trouble in 7th and 8th grade...

Me not wanting to be bothered has nothing to do with the ugliness/attractiveness of a complete stranger. If I don't want to be bothered, I don't want to be bothered. Anyone who invades my personal space/disregards my requests to be left alone/persists in following me is creepy regardless of how the offender looks.

I don't like smiling or chatting with people I don't know. That's just who I am. And quite frankly I don't care what complete strangers thing. My friends, family, boss, and coworkers' opinions matter to me. But that's it.