
Why is this a thing on a gaming site?

Nightfalls are awful. Pointless one-hit kills everywhere. Why would I ever play those things? I already don’t like the game that much, I certainly wouldn’t like it enough to do the same thing over and over and over again for hours of my day when I already know I’ll get nothing for it.

And now you see why I’m upset.

I don’t want anything that involves boring repetition. And that means raids or survival modes.

Yeah, this shit is too much for me nowadays. And it looks like Smoke is gone? He was my main in the last game. Sad.

I was extremely excited until I saw the lolis.

My complaint is that Bungie is physically incapable of telling the truth or following through with their promises on this game. I don’t care about the raid specifically, I care about how LITTLE EFFORT they’re putting into Destiny.


Probably 15 or 16 hours total. I gave up really early because I got bored with the complete lack of content.

I absolutely didn’t get 90 dollars worth of value, because unlike some people I’m not addicted to the game. As soon as the grind got annoying, I stopped. And that was only one or two weeks into the game’s lifespan.

The raid got patched in after launch. Remember?

It took me eight hours to finish the game - the main story and the strikes. That’s it. The rest of my time was spent grinding dumb Strikes over and over again and getting jack shit for my effort.

Graphics cards should cost $40 or $50. They’re PART of a PC. If they cost half as much as a console when you still have to buy a case, a motherboard, a power supply, a monitor, and everything else, it’s too damn much to ask.

I’m in the same boat. I have the stupid season pass, and so I have this content already.

I have no idea where my new place is yet. It’s just important that it’s not Chicago anymore.

Worst part is, I should’ve noticed something was wrong when I got a bluescreen while trying to update my NVIDIA drivers a few months ago. I figured it was just dumb RAM fuckery. But it must’ve been the first moment shit started to get bad, and then this cold-ass apartment only made things worse.

This is what it looks like when I try to boot my PC up with my monitor connected to the video card. Even the BIOS is affected, with those gibberish lines flickering across the screen from the very moment it boots, even before Windows. Oddly enough, if I try to boot it with the monitor connected directly to the

It does get too hot from time to time, but it has so many fans in it already that I can’t cram any more in. That’s the thing that sucks.

Yup. My action game origin was stuff like Devil May Cry, rather than shooters, so I tend to like having access to EVERY option I have at ALL times. That’s the main reason I feel the way I do.

Entitlement? If I spend 90 dollars on a game because they tell me it’s a massive, galaxy-spanning epic, I expect a massive, galaxy-spanning epic. You know, the thing they marketed the game to be.