
Alt lede: The new expansion pack for Destiny, a video game whose existence is only justified by its raids, won’t have a raid.

This is a copy/paste from my post up top:

When someone uses a beckoning bell to summon allies, They can also be invaded by someone using the sinister bell and it wont tell you that someone invaded you, So it's something to keep in mind that yea, you might get help, but you're also opening the door for trouble.

In the Gold Saucer for FF14 an NPC mentions that it's odd that there are a lot of 'chicken' dishes.

As far as immersion goes, I can't usually get that out of first-person games. It's that restriction you feel. I can't get past the tunnel vision and giant gun filling up my screen. I actually have a visceral negative reaction seeing a gun arm on the screen. Also the head-bob. And the screen-splatter. And the

When I first played through Borderlands 2, I thought it was pretty funny. Everything registered a laugh, or at the very least, a chuckle. Then I decided to try out other characters and I realized that... none of it was really all that funny anymore. I even went back to it after a two year break and I just couldn't get

But I disagree that just because the game is in first person your character suddenly isn't a character.

What's that? Borderlands 2 wasn't the perfectly-fucking-scripted laugh-fest from God that the internet said it was?

"Everyone's mean. Except for this one nice... We'll make her a girl. And then we'll murder the girl. We'll just murder the girl."

Y'know, Arch, it's reading your commentary on articles like this that reminds me that for all your grumbling, grousing, and general elitism when it comes to the current state of gaming, you're really a goddamn decent dude—and I'd be happy to buy you a beer, were I ever to return to Chicago (I went to undergrad about

Your phrasing is perfect, and I wish some of the people writing paragraph-long rebuttals had paid attention: these are REQUESTS. Not commands, not censorship, strongly worded suggestions. There is no global body in control of the gaming industry who passes down commands. It is an unregulated entertainment industry

I agree with this and is why I rarely play multiplayer parts of games. There's no progression or end and you're playing just for the sake of playing. That's why I'll never understand how someone can play like 1000 games of dota 2/lol and nothing else. My backlog of games is too huge that whenever I play a

I like how people purposefully feign ignorance just so that they can try to prove you wrong. A bunch of people are talking about how this game has progress but it obviously doesn't. In your very first game can the hunters beat the monster? Yes? Can the monster beat the hunters? Yes? So what exactly are you progressing

I don't understand why everyone's taking your statement as if it's a personal attack on them. Everyone has their own way to play, no one has to adhere to someone else's rules playing a game, and no one has the right to say that someone else's play style is wrong. A lot of people don't have time to spend playing games

Well, while everyone else is fumbling over your "frittering" statement, I'd like to put in that I know exactly what you mean. You like to play games that you can feel accomplished in. Games that "fritter away your time" would be games that you play the same thing over and over and don't feel any sense of progress.

And I can respect that. As with all media, there's usually a lot more crap than there are gems. No one venue is exempt. As of right now I've been a lot more engrossed with American comics and TV shows since there really are a lot of great ones to be had at the moment (like seriously, if you're into superhero comics,

Wow, the arguments you're getting back are troubling. I agree, Trevor's character is SUPPOSED to make you cringe. I'm really questioning the folks who reply "it was extremely satisfying" and "Most people have wondered if not wanted to know 'what if'?"


I completely agree. I feel sick to my stomach with some of the crap in GTAV. I simply endure or even ignore it so I can play an otherwise really cool game.

Having an open world environment where you CAN go on a rampage and have the cops chase after you to gun you down is one thing, that's simulation. Having

I understand what you're getting at (and somewhat agree), but this level of nuance isn't a right fit for Kotaku. The commentariat here seems completely unable to even try to think critically about video games. They imagine that playing video games is some sort of inert activity that has no relation to the real world,