Cake Tank!

Please, stop, I’m only just getting over the fact that my N64 is retro.

Hey, this is a pleasant surprise! I don’t see anything about online play, which is a shame, but maybe they just haven’t announced it? Gotta stay positive, right?

I imagine it either offers save states or a profile that lets you resume from the start of whatever level you left off at. I’m okay with either.

While not a particularly special game to me, I have been saying for years how Zelda II is the perfect candidate for a remake. While it’s remembered as the black sheep of the (official) Zelda franchise, it has a lot of cool ideas going on, and I can’t help but think that if it had been made for the SNES, it could have

That sounds a lot like the Ace Attorney games. You nitpick and poke and minor inconsistencies until you stumble upon something that actually means something, and then you win.

For years, my circle of friends has joked about every car game “finally being a worthy successor to Hot Wheels Turbo Racing”, but when this trailer surfaced, all jokes stopped. We’re legit hyped.

Now playing

The demo felt really underwhelming and convinced me (and probably everyone else) not to buy the game. Here’s a nice video about what went wrong.

Recently started playing this game for the first time. I had just finished Dark Forces, loved it, and wanted to dive right into the next game in the series. I gotta say, some aspects of it have aged like milk.

I don’t relate with this view. I never considered the original Doom games to be very hard. Even on Ultra-Violence with fast monsters, it’s kind of rare to die. Doom II was harder in the same sense that Doom Eternal was harder, but ultimately, it was still pretty reasonable. As for Doom 2016, I thought the difficulty

I find that “2016 was too easy” is the only argument I’ve ever seen someone use about why Eternal was better (and this is subjective). I’m not calling you out or anything, I’m just making an observation.

You’ve just made an enemy for life, friendo.

It has a less serious tone, and while I don’t hate it, I do think that Eternal has problems with the balancing act Doom 2016 nailed. Doom was serious enough, but with just enough self-awareness to not go all edgelord. There was an interesting story and plenty of lore, but the game almost never walked you by the hand

I’ve had a long history with that game. I thought it was amazing when I first played it on the Xbox as a kid. Then the graphics and tech powering it started to age, and I realized that the gameplay was pretty lacking, so I kind of hated it. I’d go on to flip-flop a few times about how I felt about it, but I think I’ve

Wow, I actually really, really agree with this list. I’m iffy on Doom 2 being better than Doom, but it’s a close race, and that’s just my personal preference talking. I definitely agree with Doom Eternal being a bloated game, and I feel that a lot of that is in the combat. There’s so much crammed into your kit that it

Oh shit, I can play the hit adver-game Yaris? I can’t wait to do more of whatever the hell is going on in this picture!

If I were to guess, it was an unauthorized easter egg that someone put it. Someone higher up would probably have caught wind of this, decided not to approve it, and passed down the order to remove it.

This is a really cool accomplishment. It looks about as good as any official 3D Sonic game, which is both a compliment and an insult.

How does Sega plan to handle this HotD remake? Is there going to be some effort to use motion controls in place of light guns? I can’t imagine myself being satisfied with just using the joystick to aim.

This is a very attractive color, and if I didn’t already have a Switch, I would definitely consider buying this one. Can I get one in Switch PlusPro+?

Lucky you.