But how does it half its file size after the install? Usually, files are compressed to make it easier to download, then unpacked afterwards. How is the reverse supposed to work?
But how does it half its file size after the install? Usually, files are compressed to make it easier to download, then unpacked afterwards. How is the reverse supposed to work?
But why aren’t those Sony TVs?
This looks absolutely incredible, and I love it. I’m sold, thank you very much.
I have long said that the best approach for a Bond game would be an immersive sim. The freedom of approach that the genre offers would really allow for some excellent spy action. One objective could easily be tackled with stealth, suave, or shootouts, and I think that would be great.
The levels might only last about five minutes before being nothing.
I need a download link for that Mario x Bloodborne track.
No, it’s pretty apparent once it’s been pointed out. It’s very clearly referencing the beginning of the first game where you take the HEV suit from the center of three platforms, and these suits are somewhat similar in design to the HEV suit. The fact that the time warp leaves the center one missing is a good homage…
Huh. It’s subtle enough that, even if I had seen it, I wouldn’t have realized it was referencing anything in particular. That might be too subtle, actually.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s only showing us his meat.
Do you mean that you don’t feel that they allow you to do the RP part of RPGs? Mechanically, they seem to check most of the boxes, but they often have you playing a very specific character following a very specific story, compared to the more open-ended approach a lot of western RPGs tend to favor.
While I like that JRPGs tend to have more of a focus on their stories, I do find them to be a bit tedious. Grinding is often baked into the gameplay, and I’ve long out-grown my weeb stage and no longer get a kick out of anime-styled visuals. While western RPGs tend to be a bit too gritty thematically, I do appreciate…
So it has cum to this...
I’ve been watching the progress on DLSS for a while now, and I find it fascinating. What I really want to see is a future where it can be done on a Switch-like device where I’m getting that 240p render upscaled to fit a 900p (or whatever) screen. We’re already seeing fuzzy games that barely meet the 30 fps point on…
Nice list, but you’re forgetting the obvious best RE song.
This looks sick as hell, but I’m a fully grown adult with no kids to buy this for.
Considering the FF song is just arpeggios (and from common scales at that), it’s not that shocking to hear a similar concept sound, well, similar. They use some of the same chords and chord progressions, but it’s not quite plagiarism.
Oh, uh, ok I guess. It’s better than another Fire Emblem swordsman?
I’ve been saying this should be a thing for ages. Glad to see it finally starting to become a thing. Hopefully it offers a wide enough selection of genres to appeal to some of the fans of smaller genres.
It’s an excellent take on the original soundtrack, but the original was already perfect.