Cake Tank!

Ah, there it is. I was wondering when the other shoe would drop.

I’m not expecting a perfect future for this, but as a primarily PC gamer, I’m also not very concerned. Microsoft does make Windows, and they’ve been really good about porting games to PC lately. I suppose if I was a Playstation-only kind of guy, I’d be a touch less optimistic, because let’s not forget: Microsoft and

If it were Sony buying ZeniMax, I’d be concerned. However, Microsoft seems to have a pretty good history of working with the competition to make for a better experience. If they do this with, say, the next Elder Scrolls, then they are effectively double-dipping here by making their profits both on their hardware and

Is that all? One sec, I’m about to make a big purchase...

“In Japan, 0.1 percent of gamers purchased the Xbox and its successors. The only people [in Japan] with these consoles are very smelly and not cool. Who is going to buy these?”

I was talking to a co-worker about this yesterday. Assuming they aren’t blowing smoke up our asses about how it will actually perform, the prices they’re selling the X|S at are stupid-cheap. The hit must be astounding. I understand that the last couple of generations have been sold at a loss, but this must be the

Eh, it’s no Super Mario 128, but it’ll do.

I want to be the bad guy. I really do. But when faced with moral decisions, I have a hard time not being the good guy. In fact, I usually go all in on good when given the option. That actually might be why I’m not the biggest fan of video games letting me pick. I know I’ll just go good when given the option, no matter

Mmm. Shadowgate. I may never finish the game, but I will always get the biggest of nostalgia-boners whenever I think about it.

I play GTA. This level of cheating is nothing.

PC is the only space where I’ve given up on physical games completely. It’s pretty much impossible to get physical copies on the platform anymore, so the choice was kind of made for me. I still largely prefer physical copies of my games, and unless the discounts are deep enough, I’m pretty much always going for the

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Completely agree. His re-imagining of the soundtrack is one of my favorite game soundtracks out there. It’s also great as just a collection of electronica, standing free from the game. I remember hearing my sister listening to the music once, and she had no idea it was from a game.

So I have until 2023 to sell my Rift. Got it.

Wow, it’s weird to see how divisive this movie is. I had always thought it was a great film, and every one I talked to seemed to agree. Of course, this is the internet, so I’m getting a bunch of opinions from people outside my circle that, apparently, do not line up with my view of the film AT ALL, and it's weirding

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Wow, picking a single best song is tough. I can name some bangers, but picking just one is nigh impossible.

I’m not denying that. I’m simply noting some (possible?) similarities.

I could have sworn that the exact same thing came from one of the Pokémon games. Maybe Gen. II? It seems super familiar to me, and I’ve never played a Persona game.

Never have I been so unsure of how I feel about something.

I love the SteamWorld games (recently played through SteamWorld Quest), and the studio’s talent for making interesting, charming worlds and characters and always trying a new style of game is something that always keeps me excited about their future. I never really thought of them as close to Nintendo, though. I