That header gif fooled me for a second; I thought I was seeing Dead Space.
That header gif fooled me for a second; I thought I was seeing Dead Space.
“The smartest”.
That’s it, yeah. It’s one of the biggest moments in esports history. I don’t even play fighting games, and I know about it. That’s how big it was.
“Just revealed”, but I bought it in Early Access a year ago.
“No reason” other than the necessary work needed to make it function. I don’t know how easy or hard such a thing would be, but given the hardware, the engine may have been limited to a point where it would take a ton of work re-writing everything just to allow a larger screen, and thus, faster movement. There’s also…
I think that, given the very limited screen space of the GBC, it was probably for the best.
A combination of Interior Crocodile Alligator (a meme song) and the growing concern that Tik Tok is being used as spyware. Given that people love to dance to meme songs on Tik Tok, it’s a natural pairing.
Deep down, I always knew it would come to this.
While not the standard, it’s also not an insane request. It’s basically a taco with strips of steak, and I don’t think it’s that much of a leap to want cheese on your steak taco. I don’t really prefer it that way, but I don’t question anyone who does.
You sound more competent than me on this subject, so you may have some insight on this: Could Nintendo solve this issue with a software patch that introduces an opt-in “drift reduction” mode? I imagine having a slightly increased dead zone on one or both joysticks, or perhaps picking a specific quadrant that might be…
Sorry North America, it’s simply not possible to print a disk or cover sheet to put into a white box. The technology just isn’t there yet.
You must be broken, those are all bangers.
The only game you liked on Gamecube? Jesus, were all the other games you played licensed games? Look out everybody, it’s the Charlie’s Angels movie tie-in game, some weird Nickelodeon party title, and ya boy, Crystal Chronicles.
Good thing for that caption under the header picture, because my nerdy-ass was about to call you out over that texture warping in the background and lack of texture filtering.
It feels like they missed the MOBA fad and are coming late to the party here. I’m not saying that it’s a bad idea, just that public interest in a MOBA isn’t what it used to be. Then again, maybe I’m just a cynical person who thinks that this is a doomed prospect.
Agreed. Getting a copy. For my child. The one I had with my wife. The wife I definitely have, because how else would I have a child to justify my purchase of a Spongebob game?
It’s an odd choice, sure, but this seems to be blowing things out of proportion.
Maybe it’s the awful descriptions, or the fact that it’s 2 AM, or possibly even the melatonin I took half an hour ago is starting to work, but I can’t parse any of those words being used. Somehow, I did manage to get all but two (never played Popeye, and never even heard of River Raid). I was kind of torn between…
Uh huh. That doesn’t make any sense, and it sounds like a gimmick. Also, what kind of model are they using that they think pirates won’t be able to work around?
This sounds fair.