Cake Tank!

I can get behind that interpretation. I don’t know how such a thing could be done practically, though. These sorts of things typically don’t have much lead-up before they happen, and if it’s a big enough oopsie, they tend to resign almost immediately anyway. What are the alternatives?

I disagree that you got your point across. You stated that he should be held accountable for having a dumb opinion. I want to know what you mean by that. Are you suggesting that he should be stripped of money that he earned while employed at the company? Are you suggesting that he should be fined for voicing his dumb

Less badNot bad.

What exactly are you hoping for here? The dude expressed an unpopular opinion on a public platform as a private citizen and has become the focus of a PR shitstorm that resulted in him resigning, with the possibility of him being fired if he didn’t quit first. While his post was in poor taste, I think that’s about

Yikes. I wonder how long until they release their first redesign so I can buy one that doesn’t look like this?

I’ve been playing the Early Access build on Steam for a while, and I really love what they’ve done with it so far. It certainly has a good amount of jank due to it being an unfinished product, but it shows crazy-high potential. I am curious to hear how similar/different the Xbox version is compared to the version I’m

Also seeing Super Hexagon, Super Win The Game, Bleed (1 and 2), Heavy Bullets, A Short Hike, and... *flips page*

Well, the tweet is a little dumb, but hardly news-worthy. The response is one hell of an over-correction, though. I dunno, Sonic fans are weird and dramatic.

Out of pure spite, I’m going to start ending all of my texts with ellipses...

For years, I’ve been waiting to see the actual year 2021, and the only reason is that I want a revival (or at least some kind of marathon) of Sealab 2021.

I don’t think you should care what people think if the music has an impact on you. I enjoy a little Phil Collins from time to time. I mean, not as much as Genesis, and definitely not as much as Peter Gabriel Genesis, but I like his work well enough.

Oh yeah. I forgot that was a thing I could do. Hope they make it as easy as drag-and-drop MP3s into a folder for the PC version.

A slightly less cumbersome way to edit controls is to open your library, select the game, and under the play button is a list of links (store page, community, etc.) that includes “controller configuration”, which brings the controller customization page for the game. No real need to use the Big Picture mode anymore.

Is Steam’s custom controller mapping not an option with Steam Link?

“Better” doesn’t mean “good”. DOS2 still barely runs on the Switch, and it’s not the ideal way to play the game. It’ll do if you don’t have other options, but unless you absolutely must have a portable option, consider it a last resort.

The internet’s getting hype about a remaster of the first two THPS games.

I’ll put myself in the “cautiously optimistic” camp. They’ve been really shitting the bed for a while now, and as much as I want this to be the game it needs to be, I can’t say I have complete faith. I mean, THPS HD was a thing, and that was disappointing. The screenshots look nice, though. I really hope that they can

Well, it looks nice, but it’s not much different from what consoles are doing now, is it? Maybe I’m out-of-touch because I only really play games on PC now. I do recognize that the selling point has shifted from “make everything look as real as possible” to “make everything run as smoothly as possible” over the past

Wow, 2 Ton Studios and 2 Ton Studios? They’re really getting all the big names on board.

That’s kind of cool and all, but why do fursuits always need to be so garish?