Cake Tank!

Meanwhile, my DM is questioning my alignment because I threw a rat down a hole to see if there was a monster down there.

My sister did the same thing to my brother. She bought him some expansions for The Sims 2. He played the game fairly regularly, but she played it a fair bit more, and it was pretty obvious she really got the expansions for herself. My dad would eventually call her out on it, but she stuck to her story.

That’s too bad. It really is a remarkably good game. But I get it; I don’t like fighting games, and if you got me the best fighting game ever made, I’d still be unhappy with it.

I didn’t mean he should literally take all the hard drives used during the development and finish what was there, I meant make a horror game with inspiration from the time spent working on PT. Plenty of indie horror games have already done it, so why not Kojima and Del Toro?

So what’s stopping Kojima from making this, other than the Silent Hill name? The bulk of the ideas have never seen the light of day, the game world effectively stops in that hallway, and the characters have no character development. Drop the name, modify the setting, and take all these unused ideas and start fresh.

It feels weird that so many people are/were surprised by this. I could swear that they informally announced that they were working on this right around the time the RE2 remake launched. I’d been waiting patiently to see when that would get a trailer for months, and when it happened, everyone seemed to act like they

Hey, some people pay good money for that.

Oh, perfect! I’m already not getting any dates, so why not “pretend” to be bad at it! For fun! Ha ha!

Scary for some, pleasurable for others.

Oh, uh, I was coming to complain that the game seemed to be locked at 30 FPS when I tried it last night, but here I am now with a nice, smooth 170ish FPS, so I guess there was just something weird going on/patch over night. It’s working about as well as I would expect, except for the audio issues, some key binding

Think of it this way: They’re porting the games one-by-one and releasing them as they complete them. If they maintain the price Reach is releasing at, they’re $10 each (a fair price), but they’re offering the collection as a pre-order of sorts for $40 (still very fair). The Master Chief Collection is more like a

Now playing

Geez. Hard to pick a specific favorite, but I can name a few games that are just too damn good.

There’s an interview that mentions how, when picking a theme for the game, they considered either Half-Life or Poratl, but ruled out Portal because of how easily it would cause motion sickness. As for “impossible”, I disagree. There are a number of ways to handle movement in VR, from the point-and-click to traditional

Maybe it’s time to start thinking about this differently. This isn’t a Half-Life game that’s VR, it’s a VR game that exists in the Half-Life world. A VR game tends to require the VR part of it to function on even a basic level, and stripping that away leaves a shallow and empty shell, so there’s really nothing to port


It’s been 15 years since we saw Half-Life 2. It’s only been a mere 12 years since Half-Life 2 Episode 2 came out. Stop exaggerating you troll.

Heh, whoops, that’s what I get for not proof-reading.

There’s a Chick-Fil-A near where I work that causes the same problem on a daily basis. Never seen any police warning before. Maybe these cops should head down to Texas; I’m kind of annoyed by this avoidable traffic problem.

Man, I remember getting Half-Life 2 at Walmart. It had three different boxarts to choose from (Alyx, Gordon, and G-Man). I spent some time deciding on which of the boxarts I wanted most (eventually settling on the Gordon one), and got the game home as excited as could be. I didn’t do much PC gaming at the time, only