Cake Tank!

If your livelihood depends on what you do, and you're banned from doing that thing because you made a bigistake, that's completely fair. It's called being fired from your job. I've seen it happen plenty of times, well-meaning or not. If your job depends on you not doing something, don't do it.

As someone who actually knows what the hell is happening, I can’t stop being bothered by the inaccuracies.

I’m kind of surprised at how decent the gameplay trailer makes it look. I don’t usually go for licensed games, and I have no attachment to Ice Age as a franchise, but I’m a sucker for that style of platformer.

I’m doing my first accent on my current character. He’s a paladin who’s a bit of a dick, and I decided a southern accent (somewhere between McCree from Overwatch and Sarge fro Red vs. Blue) was the perfect choice for a holier-than-thou type with a short fuse.

Big oof, yeah.

The best Saints Row is getting a proper PC version? Excuse me while I get a new pair of pants; these have been thoroughly soiled.

Hate to break it to you, but they didn’t have anything to do with developing the game, they just handled the port. Which, unfortunately, is one of the worst PC ports there is. As I understand it, it isn’t really their fault, as they didn’t have direct access to the source code and had to backwards-engineer the game

It’s interesting, but I still have very little faith in streaming games. I have not once had a decent experience with the concept, and I have tried several times throughout the years.

My group had a few of people who just weren’t working out. One person was super passive with how she played, often messing around with her phone and barely hanging on to the game, and she frequently arrived late (if at all). In addition, she would often forget decisions and rulings made previously. We did manage to

Best thing I ever got for a dollar? Four quarters. Keep in mind that arcades were once a thing.

Oh boy, Blizzard is NOT gonna like this...

Saw it last night, and it’s a fine film. It is NOT an amazing film, though. It’s very un-subtle, and its inability to leave just a little bit of mystery to the character or the story sucks a lot of potential out of it. I do appreciate that they didn’t make the character into a killing machine by the end of it, blowing

But can the paddles be used as unique inputs on PC, or only as clones of existing buttons? All I want is a controller that does that.


Do your parents know that you're using the internet?

That was my initial impression, too. Friends continued to drag me back to it week after week, though. After maybe 40 hours, it started to make sense, and after 100 hours, I was really hooked. I know, “play it for a hundred hours first” sounds like an awful way to sell a game, but it really does have a lot to learn

These are amazing, and I hate you for showing them to me. Now I have to resist the urge to spend money I don’t have on plushies I don’t need or have space for. And there’s no way I’d buy only one.

For a brief moment, I had something resembling respect for this dude. Boy, what a fun afternoon that was.

Uh huh.

I was never expecting this feature to be very involved. It’s a minor addition to the game that I think is meant to test the waters a bit. If Nintendo went ahead and made a full-featured Zelda maker, it would definitely need to be more than a remix of rooms you’ve already seen. In this case, it’s pretty much exactly