Cake Tank!

I learned to play all three of those by reading the rules. I... I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up...

How to tell if the person on the other end is an Aussie:

Oh man, that’s some great choreography and effects. Really is a lot better than I was expecting. I guess that’s the difference between a fan project and a “professional” fan project.


Or, for the uncompromising power-user, go for a triple-display setup with an ultrawide for the center display.

Or, for the uncompromising power-user, go for a triple-display setup with an ultrawide for the center display.

I’ve been complaining since they added loot crates to the game that it should have been made free-to-play. They did the same to TF2 (which kind of killed the game for me, but that’s beside the point), so not doing it with CS just seemed shitty.

I really like this game, and it’s interesting that I was just thinking about it again a couple of days ago before this article popped up. I hold by my opinion that a similar weapon handling system implemented into a horror setting could make for an excellent game. It’s already exhilarating to try and quickly reload

There are a few potential reasons. It may be practical so that you can better see what you’re doing on the weapon. It might be part of the game’s aesthetic, or perhaps it’s just showing an obsession with the guns. It could also be to maximize your awareness, as the weapon isn’t locked to the center of the screen like

I love that 90s-styled shooters are making a comeback, because those were the best shooters. I don’t like how so many miss the mark. This one looks like it has promise, though I do hope they have a toggle for that filter. I must say that they need more variety in colors. Throw in some bright green acid pits, have some

Dammit. I just bought it a couple of days ago. I should have known better.

Dammit. I just bought it a couple of days ago. I should have known better.

Movie theaters are open. Please don’t go to the movies today.

They’re $2.50 right now. I decided to buy one because, hey, if I don’t like it, it just means I’ll have missed out on a chance to get a cheeseburger instead.

Oh, yes. Yes.

I regularly relied on stealth builds, and power armor ain’t the sneakiest. That and its weight (and keeping up with the fuel cost in 4) made it so that I didn’t really ever want to have power armor unless it was strictly necessary.

Expensive housing in anime? We do the same thing in movies and TV shows. I keep watching things on Netflix and wondering to myself “How can they afford that? Is this the kind of place Hollywood thinks a normal person lives in?”

Switch version when?

I’m out of touch with the kids these days. Are these things truly en vogue once more? Because I may need to start digging through my closet.

I approve.

Huh. A game that wasn’t made by Nintendo or Rare made it onto the N64's top ten. How unexpected.