Cake Tank!

Hey, good song choice. Between you and Luke, there’s some music worth listening to being shared around here.


Oh thank goodness. I might finally be able to get into Mega Man now that they’ve fixed this game-breaking bug that’s plagued the series since the beginning.

But was “Pocket Edition HD” really the best subtitle they could think of?

I saw this video yesterday, and it was really neat. While it’s possible that it’s some obtuse secret created to challenge the gaming world at large, I think it’s more likely that it’s just a mapping error where they placed the trigger at the wrong height and kept the player from being able to get there normally. With

The swastika itself is derived from a symbol with multiple meanings. It’s a casualty of Nazi Germany that the symbols would be associated with one of the worst acts in human history. The iron cross, multiple meanings or not, is broadly viewed as a Nazi symbol.

Oh boy. I bail on a ton of games, but I usually end up coming back to the worthwhile ones when I have time. But there have been some games that I just played for half-an-hour before deciding they weren’t worth another 30 minutes of my time. Some games just weren’t for me, and others were just bad. Allow me to list a

Oh thank God. I was convinced that I was the only person who couldn’t get into Dark Souls. I’ve tried, I really have. I own at least one copy of each game and played a fair bit of each of them, but they’re just not any fun for me. Same with Monster Hunter. I think they’re just too tedious for me to stay interested.

I was fortunate enough to have some friends with their own GBAs and cables, so good times were not in short supply.

Sigh. I wish my Crystal Chronicles disk wasn’t scratched to hell. It would be nice to play it again. Bonus points if I rounded up a bunch of GBAs and some cables and a few friends to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

The shotgun’s explosive shot is my bread and butter. A lot of the weapon mods are improved to the point of being great and/or covering your complaints by actually upgrading them to max, which isn’t all that difficult to accomplish on a regular playthrough. I’ve been replaying the game over the last week, and it’s

Testing if a game uses the d-pad is one of the first things I do when playing a new game. In the case of 2D titles, I strongly prefer a d-pad. In fact, I find playing 2D platformers to be pretty frustrating to play with a joystick. It was my least favorite thing about the Metroid II remake.

I liked BotW quite a bit for what it was, but I simply adore it for what it could be. Nintendo will likely revisit this style of Zelda, and when they do, there is so much room for these excellent ideas to be improved upon. I don’t think it’s the best Zelda, not by a Longshot. I do think it has the most promise,

Definitely. I would personally prefer if people specifically worked a position where they earn tips, as they would better understand the importance of tipping. But as someone who waits tables at a restaurant, I may be a bit biased.

Oh, it’s styled after 80s anime. I wasn’t expecting that. It certainly seems classier that way.

I saw the article title and thought “somebody just watched that LGR video”, and when I scrolled down, I was proven right.

In my usage, “faked” meant simply that there was no mirror. Having a fully mapped out second room that was only made inaccessible by putting in an invisible wall isn’t quite the same as having a functional reflection (though it is a convincing effect, especially for less powerful engines or hardware). The ability to

Wait, are there different Frasiers? Mine is a fair bit different (though still somewhat accurate).

I was under the impression that most of the time those were just cube maps to give the illusion of reflecting the environment. Or are you referring to specific examples, like the Halo series’ sniper rifle scope? Actually, on that subject, I think that Halo usually has a proper projection, as enemies are still visible

I wasn’t aware the engine could support that. I know it’s used for projections in later games (like Half-Life 2's TVs and monitors), but I figured that kind of concept was still a few years out.