Another year, another Battlefield that isn’t a 2142 successor.
Another year, another Battlefield that isn’t a 2142 successor.
I’ve tried out a variety of streaming services over the years, and they always tend to be pretty bad. The video/audio gets frequent artifacting (sometimes light, sometimes not so light), the input lag is awful (sometimes as much as half a second), and if your connection dips for some reason, it all goes to shit pretty…
What the hell is a corgis?
I’m sick right now, I feel completely miserable, and I’m headed into work. Masks like these aren’t normal here in the States, so I won’t be wearing one. Good luck, everyone else!
One of my closest friends is a pirate legend, and some of the people he plays with on a regular basis are also pirate legends, or at least very close. As a result of this, I’ve played with and against pirate legends regularly enough that I’m kind of spoiled and don’t give it the reverence that it probably deserves.
I got Tropical Freeze for free on the Wii U, back when the old Nintendo rewards thing still existed. I love the game, but I never ended up beating it. With a Switch port on the horizon, I now have both an excuse to take another shot at it and to give Nintendo my money for it.
It’s either the PS1 or SNES for me. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Terranigma, Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI, and Tales of Phantasia are all excellent SNES JRPGs. Over on the Playstation, you had Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX, Suikoden I and II, Xenogears, Valkyrie…
Saying you are making a movie based on heavy source material is one thing in a reality where movies only get made if they can continue making you money—Captain America survived Civil War despite dying in the comic version.
Seems reasonable. I imagine the other parts were (mostly) of a high quality if it was cheaper to do that. Honestly, in this funky market, it’s probably the best approach to building a PC these days. Thank you for sticking with me as I grilled you for details on a seemingly weird approach to PC upgrades.
Seems reasonable. I imagine the other parts were (mostly) of a high quality if it was cheaper to do that. Honestly,…
Thank you for the explanation. It seemed really odd without proper context. Now I’m busy wondering about your friend instead of you.
Thank you for the explanation. It seemed really odd without proper context. Now I’m busy wondering about your friend…
The 1050Ti is a fairly new card (just a little over a year old). Why did you buy one if you were so close to upgrading to a 1080? It seems a little odd. Did you go with the budget option at launch and find yourself able to afford an upgrade just recently? Was it a placeholder card that was meant for a different…
The 1050Ti is a fairly new card (just a little over a year old). Why did you buy one if you were so close to…
It was good! It just wasn’t great...
Best of luck on your recovery, Mike. We’re all here for you.
I was impressed with the snow in Uncharted 2. This looks pretty similar (though with a few other details), so while it still looks great, it’s not as immediately impressive as if I’d never played Uncharted 2.
I’d say that it was still part of that weird, transitional period in the 80s where language would still be considered to be covered by PG, and the film didn’t quite stretch far enough in other ways to warrant the (still relatively new) PG-13 rating. In fact, until its introduction in the mid 1980s, a film that was PG…
I know that it’s more work. It’s actually a lot more work, and it’s unlikely that a dev team would bother. Procedural generation is used for games that are meant to be highly replayable, either from having a short game that jumbles things up a lot (Spelunky) or by being a game that’s all about the grind (Diablo). In a…
But that’s not procedural generation. It’s random spawns at fixed points. It’s outside of the conversation because the subject is how procedural generation is flawed and opens the door for suggestions on fix it.
It’s the Injustice ads. They’re cancer. I’m this close to taking the site off of my whitelist.
It’s the Injustice ads. They’re cancer. I’m this close to taking the site off of my whitelist.
Hmm. I used to love CoD waaaay back in theearly days, but I lost interest around MW2, as I felt it had strayed too far from what I liked about the series. At this stage, I only really bother to pick up a CoD title when I find it at bargain bin prices, and then only for the short, shallow campaigns. They’re not too…