Cake Tank!

God, so many questions... Does this apply to other versions (specifically PC)? Is there some kind of limit (timer, limited number of plays, can only go so far into the story)? Does this disallow others from doing the same? What I’m asking is “what is the catch?”, because this sounds far too good to be true.

You’re misinterpreting the intent. It’s not “stop being a dick or I’ll be a violent dick”, it’s “be responsible for your actions or you will experience consequences that mean something”. In the digital age, the worst punishment is a ban, and those aren’t always instant, consistent, or permanent. With all the loopholes

God damn I love Wayforward’s sprite art. They’ve got some of the best people working on their games, and I can’t get enough of it.

They were too good for us.

I love that the guys at DICE have a sense of humor. Now if only they’d take that and use it on a new Bad Company...

I got my copy in the mail today, and I’m jamming out to it right now. While I’m a bit disappointed that they broke it up into two short parts instead of releasing the whole thing at once, I’m really liking what I’m hearing. I was a little nervous, as I didn’t think that Coma Ecliptic was well-executed (fully

Looks like y’all took that advice people were giving you about getting a teleprompter. Cool.

I’ve used streamed games services in the past, and they always have intolerable levels of input lag that makes them nearly unplayable. My connection isn’t slow, either. I don’t think we’re at the point where something like this can be successful. Even streaming from a local device can still be iffy unless your wi-fi

For physical purchases, yes. Digital buyers don’t have a bundle option, so they’re sold separately at discounted prices, and with the aforementioned discount in place. It’s about the same price either way.

A group of friends and I, led by an experienced player who’s been DMing, have been learning to play the game since the start of the year. We’ve been having a blast, and I’ve been having a great time being an untrustworthy rogue. I’ve currently amassed quite the fortune by stealing things without my party noticing, and

1k meters of headshots isn’t that bad. If you’re a decent shot and have a good position, it becomes more of a “get 5 headshots in one life” challenge. 200m a piece isn’t bad.

I won’t rest until I get 2143.

I’ve had tables that do that and then don’t leave any cash. I like to think that they just forgot, or that someone more selfish scooped the tip up, but I can’t help but think that someone was just playing a cruel joke on me.

It’s interesting that this is a thing that happened. I’ve been pondering recently about how I love the aesthetics of 90s shooters and their tendency to be full of vibrant colors with dark tones, simple-yet-interesting environments with a lot of freedom of movement, and a look that can’t really be easily imitated with

I imagine the intent was to disorient the audience and put them in the headspace of being put through a table themselves.

Every time these lists pop up, I find myself questioning why I still have Netflix more and more.

There was once a time when I was fine playing with lower FPS. I had an N64 as a kid, I know all about playing in the 20s (and 10s). My first experience with Half-Life 2 was on a laptop where I averaged in the low 20s (and Ravenholm averaged in the low 10s). 30 FPS was the dream for a while, and I was happy to live it.

I much preferred the first game’s more open levels, but DS2 was mechanically superior.

I think I would enjoy it more if there was something more. Breath of the Wild is a perfect example of a huge world with lots of empty space that still feels packed with things to do. When I saw early gameplay, I was concerned that it would be too empty and just be boring, but after playing it, I saw that the simple