At first I thought this was a trailer for an HD version of the original MGS, and I got really excited! But now that I realized what it's for, I am disappoint :(
At first I thought this was a trailer for an HD version of the original MGS, and I got really excited! But now that I realized what it's for, I am disappoint :(
I love LEGO, I love Zelda. I love this!
Favorite so far!
It also had some pretty terrible artwork. Anyone remember the FFIV art?
They couldn't have made it look more like an SSB rip-off if they tried. Oh well, if it has good online and has comparable gameplay to SSB, it'll probably do well despite the "WTFness."
I expect the game to remain uncensored, don't worry about it. Atlus did the same thing with Etrian Odyssey III—some of the more risque character art for characters was not in the site. I contacted them about it at the time, and they told me that although it would not be featured online it would absolutely be left in…
I know, right? They're having this much trouble getting old (PS1, PSP) games to work on the Vita, and there's still the fact that minis, PS2 classics don't work on it plus the system's already-small game library.
I hope the reason PS1 games aren't playable on Vita yet is because they're focusing more heavily on getting a better selection of Vita games out and getting PS2 classics to run on it.
Might be ridiculous, but it's definitely not generic :P
Did you read all the books? If you didn't get very far, I highly recommend continuing. For me personally, I didn't really come to appreciate the characters as people until a few books in.
All I need to enjoy this game is gameplay that works that is paired with an awesome story and cast. I'm not expecting amazing, innovative gameplay or stunning, artistic visuals. Just a game that works and is enjoyable to play, and a story/cast that does the IP justice.
Yeah, it is pretty generic. Just more typical medieval Western fantasy. It's the story and characters which sets the books/show apart, and hopefully the same will be the case for the game.
The setting and "fantasy" is fairly bland. What makes the show/books so engrossing is its characters, which really grow on you over the course of time. Hopefully the game will have an awesome story/characters, because that is all that's going to make it stand out.
I haven't looked at the actual source yet, but are there any outfits for men?
Can I get the GotY edition's content and price with the original's cover art PLEASE!?
Not a single game that REALLY grabs my interest on the Vita, and I'd have to rebuy all my PSP games. No thanks, Sony. You can hand out the systems for free and I still wouldn't want one.
Really interesting style, like a combination of East and West.
It's a custom character that a player made I believe, so not really a cash-in. Doesn't excuse the line though haha!
Love it! Best parenting ever