Can’t even resist putting a dig at XC2 into an article about skies
Can’t even resist putting a dig at XC2 into an article about skies
Sooo glad you posted this. I’m loving XC2 so far myself. One of the most engaging battle systems I’ve played in a JRPG, every fight makes you want to deal out as much damage in as flashy a way as possible and it’s awesome.
Over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists held a rally that escalated into violence. An…
You could make this list 100 games long and still be leaving good games off.
Today at the PlayStation Experience, developer Level-5 announced Ni no Kuni II, a sequel to the lovely cartoon…
From her involvement in the localization of Lunar: Silver Star Harmony to her other work with XSEED, Jessica Chavez is one of my favorite localizers. She’s dedicated and thorough in what she does. I hope she keeps editing games and gets some writing of her own going!
To my knowledge, there’s plenty of corporatism going on in the country. They tax the shit out of all imported rice so Japanese rice is the only real option to consumers, for example.
Ghosts 'n Goblins sure looks grim as a current-gen game. The shots are from a seven-week, eight-person student project where the goal was to "recreate the classic game with a next-gen look in Unreal Engine 4." Well, they succeeded. The fruits of their labors, a two-minute video and five HD shots, are below.
I'm not sure he's mature enough to process that.
Yay! A text rundown of what's on the video! This should happen so much more often, as I usually browse Kotaku while at work, and can't view videos.
All I need is a top hat and monocle for wailord and I'll be content.
In the end, both The Last of Us and its (fantastic) new downloadable expansion Left Behind had a lot to say about…
Then I suppose it's just a matter of one's taste in tropes. I disliked 4. It's got some fun ideas but I straight hated my cast (beyond one poor ninja prince who just wanted to impress a girl). I think this is because finding redemption when you wiped a community off a map by climbing a mountain kind of pisses me…
I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.
So, just a comment about this post on the main page in general: Am I the only one that likes to 'new tab' lots of articles on here as I scroll through, and gets really annoyed that some titles can be right-clicked, and some can't (like this one...)? Throws me off every time! Can we get some consistency?
It's kinda hard to write when you're typing and masturbating at the same time.