
There are a number of mechanics that I didn't like in 4 (the enemies in particular—I can't count the number of times I've gotten a game over because my sword missed against an enemy that was facing away and suddenly turning), but I do like 4's gameplay better overall. It gets a lot better in P3P though, with the

Only in P3P though. In P3 (and possibly FES), you could easily reverse/break a social link. I think 4 is like P3P though, as in you can't really mess up social links unless you ignore them or say stupid stuff.

Hear hear!

Funny that this subject comes up when I recently got P3P on my PSP and thus have also been replaying it.

Ah, that would make more sense. With the free version, it's often easy to tell what something is just because I'm so familiar with many of the words.

Thank goodness. That is all.

If you're good at word jumbles/boggle, you can usually guess the word without the need of any drawing at all. Especially because the game has such a limited dictionary. He probably figured it was a road and figured out the word from the letters given.

Haha well if I get the game maybe I can come help you weed if you decide to go back!

So you played pretty regularly and never had much more damage other than the paths? That should be fine. I'm okay with the paths, and honestly I can handle dealing with the damage (I'll just avoid areas that are showing signs of wear), I just didn't want to have a town that is entirely desert. Those must be

That must be why I never heard back from Best Buy. I'm more of a middle ground guy, so I probably never did any "strongly" answers and thus was immediately thrown out.

I didn't French politicians were such gamers! Konami codes, plagiarizing video game music...what's next???

To me, the issue is that the game is marketed at girls specifically and gives representations of ONLY skinny, pretty "princess" girls.

I feel your pain with the adult schedule. It's hard to pick up the game every day, especially when it's not portable. The biggest feature they need to include is a pause feature so you can go for a week/month/more without your town going to hell. I like the "the game keeps going when you're not playing" concept,

I'm thinking about getting the Wii Animal Crossing, but I'm concerned about the whole dying-grass thing. Anyone who plays City Folk regularly have any advice/opinions on that? I don't want my town to become a desert, but I also don't want to have to change how I play the game in order to keep it green. Is this

Yeah, you get punished for not playing AND for playing the game!

I love that story, whether it's true or not! I just can't imagine what it would be like to find those letters in the game. I'd be sobbing, that's for sure.

I've had a strong urge to go back to the game lately, but considering I haven't touched my town in a couple years...I'm afraid to!

But it IS up to the developers/publishers. This isn't a democratic vote, it's a lot of people expressing concern over something. If Bamco thinks it's just a lot of hot air, they won't change a thing. But if they recognize the outcry is having some legitimate/reasonable claims, then isn't it a good thing that they

Why do they need to have mass market appeal though? There are already JRPGs with action-based systems. Personally, I suck at them. I'm a thinker with terrible reflexes. I like strategy in my games, so I really enjoy slow-paced turn-based systems. I think there is still room for that style of system in such a

Why was the design shallow? Because the game focused exclusively on combat and story, much like a hack-and-slash game like God of War? Yes they're in different "genres," but genres are just a means of classification. A game is not and should not be limited by preconceived genre definitions, especially when the