
Literally the third search result. And that’s keeping Safe Search on.

Every Overwatch character is shipped with every other Overwatch character.

The joke

My joke above was in reference to the often-baffling state of what constitutes a catch and what doesn’t in the modern iteration of the NFL rule book. I like to have a little fun with it sometimes.

The ball clearly brushed the ground when Hilton hit the turf. No catch.

Ha, that’s a bit niche, but here:

I’ve meant to do NaNoWriMo for years and never did. This seems like the perfect year to at least give it an actual effort. Just the other day I was without even considering November was coming thinking about turning a tv miniseries idea I had (I’m an on/off member of a script writing forum though I never finished much

In theory, its supposed to protect the People from frivolous charges being brought against them.

In practice, they mostly are there as rubber stamp for the Prosecutor’s.

In some cases (politically sensitive cases for example) they are used to give cover to a prosecutor who for whatever reason might not want to bring

Luckily the plane won’t be out of commission long, as the NBA has a practice for this kind of thing.

I’d say it was caused by Draymond Green, but I don’t think that’s where airplanes keep their testicles.

A related and equally depressing point is that the kind of people who take this stuff quasi-seriously don’t even *care* that much about it. They’re not going to check back in a month or two and be like “why are the Seahawks still in the NFL?” while anxiously awaiting Sean Hannity to report on the latest developments

I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

You need to try associative training.

Whenever you crave sugar, drop a kettlebell on your foot.

Soon you’ll stop craving kettlebells!

Good! I agree, sometimes the quick fire tour is great, get a good idea what is worth a deeper visit. Even if you don’t go, find the itinerary of a trip and usually that is the most economical and logical way to get about the city in tourism form.

Another one I thought was super kitschy but was a great time? the Ghosts and Gravestones tour- you get tours of two major in-city graveyards, with some amazing history and information- nearly as informative as a duck tour. Well worth the $40 for just the history alone.

Seconded. The duck tours are a great way to get an overview of the city.

Whenever I visit a new city as a tourist, I will grab that tour bus to get a feel for everything and to make sure I understand how things connect. It’s usually worth it.

Don’t call it Beantown. Don’t go to Cheers. And nobody actually says Pahk the Cah in Havahd Yahd. Also don’t drive a U-Haul on Storrow. :)

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.”