I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.
I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.
I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.
You could always just grab her by the pussy then ask her how she feels about it
What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.
LA got the Dodgers in ‘58, the Lakers in ‘60, the modern Angels in ‘61, and the Kings in ‘67. That’s in addition to the Rams, which they got (the first time) in 1945 but the NFL didn’t really start getting big until the ‘50s.
+1 royal line change
“The Goddamn Golden Knights Just Swept The Kings”
I think he was joking. Lighten up, Francis
I don’t think so for a couple reasons.
I got this game the other day because I love Age of Empires and Risk and it looked like it might be somewhat in that theme of things. My God. It’s so overwhelming. I spent like 5 minutes poking around trying to figure out what to do and gave up.
The public wants to know.
How did they come up with “Vegas Flu”? Shouldn’t it clearly be “The House Always Wins”?
all of ‘em
Growing up as a Jewish kid, I had a guilty pleasure. Every Saturday night at midnight, I would close my bedroom…
i don’t like that the game makes you kill dogs as well, i have run away instead of killing the dogs a few times.
I was a goaltender for 20+ years so I’ll try to explain the best I can. Though it might be long.
All NHL teams keep a list of local goalies to call on in case of an emergency. They’re usually old college guys playing beer league. The dream is to get called up to sit on the bench as the emergency backup. This is just unreal. What a night for that guy.