
While I agree that was a missed call, and it did have a direct impact on the game, it is not in the same category as the missed calls discussed in the article. Missing a puck glancing off the boards and missing a crosscheck to the head are not comparable regardless of their affect on the game.

Wait, “no naan” is even an option?

I react to Boomer getting hurt the same way I would react to something hurting my real dogs: unbridled homicidal rage.

Ditto record stores.

Fuck you. This guy should be strung up by his thumbs.

I own a couple pairs of the Tesla pants, and they are pretty see-through. So if you’re not planning to wear anything over these, you should steer clear.

I own a couple pairs of the Tesla pants, and they are pretty see-through. So if you’re not planning to wear anything

It’s worth noting that no one at WEEI qualifies as a “grown man.”

Ironically, even Prison Planet tweeted that this was “not a good look” for Trump.

I’ve been homebrewing for 5 years now and I love it. In my opinion, the best beer for newcomers is John Palmer’s Learn to Brew. I still reference it all the time.

Second this. My ORM is 455lbs at 180lbs; my build is similar to Jr’s (god, help me) but less lanky.

I may get shit for this, but take a Duck Tour. It’s touristy as all get out, but for ~$30 you’ll get to see a good chunk of the city (helpful for planning out future stops), somewhat get your bearings on our labyrinthine streets, and take a quick cruise on the Charles River.

It’s probably the association with St. George that caused the proliferation of dragon stories.

Any tips for achieving “beer clean” glasses at home (besides buying two more sinks)?

McCree is voice by Matthew Mercer and is therefore automatically sexy. Debate over.

Couldn’t agree more. I stopped playing because it became too frustrating.

For a game about giant death robots, Titanfall 2 has a lot of heart.

Fuck Jeremy Jacobs.

Fellow Orochi main - at lower levels I used to trounce Peacekeepers, but PK mains are damn near unstoppable.

Bingo. I’ve bought 3 of the books since I started playing Witcher 3. I don’t find them to be particularly well-written though.

Same. I thought I was a fucking genius. The first part is a game changer.