
And do you know how damn hard it is to do in skates?

Oh, I’m sure hockey fans will have a calm and rational reaction if he does.

Hockey players really are tougher than everyone else. Most games he may have to kneel for twice the number of anthems as his NFL counterparts.

sure, a dog can survive on vegetables or garbage - but you’re an asshole if you put your politics in your dog’s food bowl - dogs by their nature are meat eaters - my dog lives on a raw diet - bones and meat in the morning and veggies at night. If you’re so concerned about the planet, don’t have a pet...

Look, I understand that you are upset about black people being murdered, but can we discuss it in a way that removes the black people and the murder? That would make me much more comfortable.

The irony of successful protest movements is that a weak version of their ideals will be seized upon by powers that be to sell product and look good. I’m annoyed, but I’m trying to tell myself that the spin itself is a sign of progress.

Is anyone surprised though? I agree, this is all bullshit, look how it was spun. Where there is a way to find tragedy (an actual disaster, socioeconomic problem, race problem, etc) and spin it into marketing and dollars you can bet your fucking home that it’ll happen.

I’m dying to know what the Doric moments were.

Is she single?

True Story: my sister tried out for Jeopardy a few years back at an open casting. She killed the written exam they give and then put her up against two other people in a live contest.

“So we were drinking one night....” or “You know the signs at the zoo that say don’t feed the animals?”

I’ve got a lot of useless junk in my head, and always thought if I had the time, I’d go on Jeopardy. What held me back was two fears:

No, I actually know who those are! But at the tender age of 31 and not having a mind for political history, my Presidential knowledge does not go earlier than Bill playing the sax on “Arsenio”

If I knew anything about art, geography, 18th-19th-20th-century Presidents, French culture, opera, human anatomy, animal anatomy, food, science in general, potent potables, and potpourri, I could totally crush Jeopardy with the edge I’d have in sports and pop culture.

Yeah I was totally confused for a solid minute by that sentence and a google search.

Popovich Pops Off On Piss-Poor POTUS

“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”

/Creedence comes on the radio

I found myself more captivated by each turn in that Twitter conversation than I had anticipated. And what a payoff.
