
Pepperidge Farm remembers. I’m still, uh, fascinated? that Rauner earned the state a cumulatively-massive array of credit rating downgrades, and mismanaged the state’s finances (again, being such an incorrigible walnut that he couldn’t pass a budget) to the point that lottery winners were getting IOUs. Pritzker’s not

You were upset that the movie used music used popularly by Kill Bill.... a 20-year-old movie? Were you more upset by the use of it, or that it’s inclusion means that the stuff you grew up with is now the “throw the parents a bone” part of kids movies?

That Pew poll is a depressing picture for unpartnered men, although “25-54" might not be that useful as an age range (the median age for first marriage for men is something like 30 years old now, meaning that you’d expect the 25-54 range to be skewed by the >50% of men below 30 who are not married). 

And a good share of the blame for that goes to the Bernie-Bots who wouldn’t vote for Hillary in 2016.

Are you high? Hillary had a robust and intelligent platform.  You must be thinking of Kerry.

No. That’s the problem with this line of thinking.

And yet, voting for Clinton would still be light years better than whatever stupid bullshit America, and by extension, the world, has had to deal with the past half decade and more. Why people can’t understand that when the alternate is an actual living, breathing sack of shit, you just vote for the other guy, because

It’s very true 2016 is where the shit really hit the fan. But I still don’t think we fully understand how fucked up that election was, and how much outside interference there was. I saw the Channel 4 Cambridge Analytica series about how a lot of US liberal, and urban POC voters were micro-targeted with messages about

It’s always telling how y’all do everything in your power to blame the women (Ginsburg, Clinton) or black men (Obama) for your own failure to put others ahead of your own stupid purity.

What the fuck do you think codify does? Do you think it’s a magic stone that means no Republican ever can vote against uncodifying it?

It’s like you guys all think the world operates under the “You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!” rules from Dumb and Dumber.


And all I see are fucking dreamers who stayed home in 2010 and gave us the worst state legislatures since pre-Civil War in a redistricting year because Obama didn’t give them single payer with a naked supermodel of their preferred gender to help them with the paperwork.

Because I also like having a job, and my job doesn’t do remote well. Also because I don’t want to live next door to garbage people. I’d rather get you somewhere your neighbors embrace you as a human, than live with trash.

I take many issues with the “rightful” part of that.  :)

Well, this just screams “Aimed to be challenged in court so it can get to the Supreme Court so certain recently installed judges in concert with certain other judges who’ve been there for longer can get up to some fuckery even if it’s not this specific fuckery exactly”.

I mean, haha, but we should not be laughing at the fact that Trump and Giuliani are now openly pressuring state and local GOP officials in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania to ignore the election results and declare him the winner. This is looking like it may come down to the degree to which those officials are