
A lot of people seem to think “sleep train” means “LET YOUR KID SCREAM” but for us, “sleep training” meant waking our son up from naps when he was a tiny baby so he would stay on schedule for feeds and bed time and be tired enough to sleep one long chunk at night, and also so he’d get used to us calling the shots as

I don’t have patience for this crap either but I always wanted to be a parent so we just kinda...gently trained our son from day 1 to not be one of those weird sleep association kids and it worked out pretty well.*

*Not guaranteed to work on everyone but if you gently but firmly sleep train early they don’t know any

I commented above on using the ol “x is for babies and you’re a big kid now” tactic. Worked like a charm for us and the binky!

We also dreamfed and that shit was MAGIC. Definitely trying it again for #2.

We decided the binky habit had to stop before baby #2 arrived because our son would be 2.5 by then and his teeth were already getting a bit crooked. He used one for every nap and bed time since he was born, and it was a huge sleep association for him.

He’s great at recriprocal language but not the fastest/clearest at

Whatever works best for the family has always been my motto, do what you gotta do. Co-sleep, sleep train, go nuts.

But we kicked our son out of our room at 13 WEEKS and in retrospect even that seemed kinda too long for all of us. As soon as he was in his own room, we all slept so much better and it NEVER. STOPPED. 12

I have put my (at the time non-mobile) baby on a restroom floor. The restroom didn’t have a changing station though, and he was lying happy on his changing mat after getting his business tended to, and not going I really had to pee.

It was just easier that way. Yes I could have packed up the diaper bag

Exactly. Says every fucking person at the consult counter at any goddamn specialty beauty store who refuses to believe that I know my own skin better than they do. I DON’T HAVE YELLOW UNDERTONES, YOUR LIGHTING IS OFF. TRUST *ME*, THE PERSON WHO IS NOW NOT BUYING THIS SHIT BECAUSE YOU’RE INSISTING YOU KNOW BEST.


Because many women need to dig stuff out of their purse on a fairly regular basis, even during car rides, and it’s way less safe to realize you need something and have to bend way over to get it off the floor vs being able to dig around next to you on the passenger seat. The most obvious example I can think of is

Same. We don’t live anywhere near any family, so I’m always getting requests for more photos and videos, just for everyday munday crap like “I WANT TO SEE HIM EATING YOGURT AGAIN” okayyyyy. FB makes it easier to just post something that everyone can see vs me having to find everyone’s email address or updated cell

If i post tub photos (rare, I think I’ve only ever posted 3) it’s because there’s something funny actually going on in the photo, not just “HERE’S MY NAKED KID.” And I have a specific list for close friends and family who do care about that shit on FB so I’m not blasting everyone I’ve ever met with it.

I think that’s

I could have literally painted the town red for 8 weeks.

I’m pregnant right now and I get daily boughts of dizziness that white out my vision for a minute. When not pregnant, I still get dizzy spells, just not as frequently. It’s most likely to happen in high heat and humidity if I’m not very well hydrated, or if I’m pressed in near a bunch of people in a crowd, or if I’m

There are a few legitimate reasons to not want to use pain meds during labor, aside from the “I AM AN EARTH GODDESS STRONG WOMAN” bragging rights. The main one is that the drugs can pass into the baby’s system and make them lethargic after birth, which can hurt your chances to establish a good breastfeeding

My epidural was THE BEST. Everyone tried to scare me out of it because OMG NOT NATURAL, WILL MAKE THE BABY TOO SLEEPY AFTER BIRTH, YOU COULD BE PARALYZED!!! and all the very rare horror stories of that ilk, so I was really dreading it, but knew I’d probably end up with one anyway because I had to be induced and my

I’m currently baking #2, and have had unicorn pregnancies both time (so far with this one, at least.) No sickness, no puking, no crazy weight gain, no major discomfort, I forget I’m pregnant most days unless I get up too fast and feel dizzy for a few seconds, or feel the baby kick.

But even then, the leap from 2 to 3

Same, I’m baking #2 right now and I’m fresh out of boy names after my son, so this one better be a girl or we’re screwed.

You said “a few more beers” which made it sound like more than a single drink had already been consumed.

Seems like your friends are pretty much teetotalers.

If it chaps your ass that much, get new friends, or wait out the baby/toddler years. If they continue not drinking beyond that, then guess what - they just don’t

Because not every couple likes having sex every day, and having sex every day if it takes you a long time to conceive might turn into a chore after awhile, and that’s no fun.

I wanted to get pregnant ASAP, as efficiently as possible. And I’m a data nerd because I found the whole process to be very-science projecty and

An app like this (or better, I use Fertility Friend) can help you track your annovulatory cycles and show when you’re not ovulating (based on charting your basal body temp throughout each cycle.)

Then, when you’re ready to talk to your doc, you can barf a bunch of data at them and they’ll be more likely to help you

That much sex can screw with sperm counts if the male partner’s are low or borderline. It’s usually recommended to have sex every other day, or at most once a day during the fertile period.

And not everyone’s vag can take that much pounding without rebelling.

Also, good fucking luck finding time to bone twice a day