
I’m surprise at the lack of mention of Fertility Friend! I used it both times we were trying, and have a 2 year old and another one on the way to show for it. I tried other apps but none of them were as accurate or involved nearly as much data input as FF.

Why is no one talking about Fertility Friend? Yes, you have to pay to get their VIP options, but it’s a vastly better fertility app than any others I’ve come across. The algorithms they use seem to line up much better because they rely on so many more data inputs, not just a basic one-size fits most algorithm and

What’s funny is that there’s an actual product called the Lact-Aid that’s a supplemental nursing system (so you can add pumped milk or formula and essentially breastfeed with it, even if you don’t make enough/any milk.

Usually it’s for adoptive mothers or mothers with low supplies, but...

I have a weak as shit handshake because I’m a SAHM and haven’t been in “handshake” mode for a while. I met some rando at a BBQ who insisted on a handshake (why????) and then laughed at me when I shook his hand.

OH SORRY BRO, IS MY MOMSHAKE NOT ALPHA ENOUGH FOR YOU? People who give a singular fuck about handshake style

Seriously, it’s like how do you spend your entire life not realizing that not all women’s bodies respond favorably to hormonal birth control and that maybe your particular experience with the pill/patch/ring/IUD/whatever and skipping your period is not universal and that other people may have weighed their options and


*According to several comments I’ve already read that make me want to slap my laptop across the room.


Your body’s reaction to the Nuva ring is not representative of everyone’s. Not everyone’s body allows them to skip periods. Some people can skip but they get bad side effects like breakthrough bleeding at various points in the cycle. Some people can skip X number of periods but then get a tsunami period a few months

Yeah, I definitely think some people are just more sensitive to whatever “it” is that sets us off. I do think it might be possible to “train yourself” out of it, it just unfortunately doesn’t work for me! I can read just fine while traveling, sometimes for up to an hour or two no problem, then suddenly the nausea hits

I wish that explanation worked in my case. I’ve been a traveler since birth and have no issues at all with fast paced first person racing/shooting games. But put me in a car for more than 2 hours, or on a plane or boat (especially a smaller one) and during takeoff/disembarkment and descent/return...I’m feeling it. I

I have this problem on planes, but mostly during takeoff and landing, where your speed/direction are changing more noticeably than when you’re at altitude.

it sucks. It especially sucks when you’re pregnant and can’t take any medicine for it.

Luckily I’ve never actually puked from motion sickness in either a

I needed an outlet (or battery pack) to bottle feed my kid all the time. Because we combo fed since I had low supply and he couldn’t nurse. So I’d pump, and then top off with formula. I sure as fuck appreciated private spaces to do my very involved feeding sessions, should mothers get up up halfway through a feed and

That’s why they need the electric outlet and access to running water, right? For nursing only?

(Hint, not all breastfeeding includes only nursing. Some people use an SNS, some nurse and pump, or some can’t nurse at all, but exclusively pump and breastfeed that way.)

Words matter. These rooms are for breastfeeding. Not

I think you’re being salty and expecting some huge backlash that will never come. But just for funzies, here’s some from an internet rando since you’re unlikely to face any on Facebook:

I’ve had tons of friends post announcement posts for all kinds of things. Milestone birthdays, degrees, job offers, buying houses,

So don’t do the attachment parenting stuff, and try to avoid mommy groups that are all about “one school of parenting thought only!” and you’ll be just fine. Or, if you want the support, try to find groups of like-minded parents with similar parenting styles to your own. You don’t have to follow all or any of the

Seriously, the story has thathappened.txt written all over it. It may have happened but certainly not with the details exactly as presented. Not unless this is part of an ongoing pattern, in which case, the time to act is already here so get the fuck to it, “concerned friend.”

Very few toddlers are going to be

No fucking 3 year old loves booze so much that they could finish off multiple glasses. Most would, at best, take a sip of alcohol, make a face at the taste, and either swallow and give up, or spit it right out.

My son accidentally got a hold of sprite once and couldn’t handle the carbonation. Pretty sure if I left out

My pregnancy with my son was super easy until the very end when the doctors thought he might have an issue with his growth (they were wrong, he was fine!) Aside from that, I had no morning sickness, gained exactly the recommended amount of weight, felt pretty comfortable physically right up until the end, etc.

I don’t know if the “take someone else’s kid for a few days” thing is really giving you the full picture, though. Because of course the kid is either going to be much easier to deal with than normal (toddlers like to show off for people other than their parents so they might be on their best behavior the whole

Counterpoint: Not all kids sleep like shit. A lot do, but you never know until they’re out.

My son was never the “wake up every 2 hours” type. He was sleeping in decent chunks even in the hospital before we went home. We used to wake him up to make sure he was eating enough. Once he gained enough weight his

I was never a Disney kid growing up but I’ll be goddamned if my 2 year old doesn’t love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and recently, Cars. Oh, and those Tsum Tsum things. I don’t even know what they’re supposed to be, and the kid barely has 100 English words yet, but he’s been able to ask for “Tsum Tsums” by name for months