Maybe something to do with the Sony purchase
Funimation with Hulu feels a little unnecessary too. About half of the Funimation catalog is on Hulu
Hollywood took bold stance and decided to answer a question nobody asked
Looks at:
Amazon Prime
I guess it depends on which King Kong was used as the base.
But will it have the glory of the old version’s “African Natives” ?
Weird time to pick that fight but more power to you.
Hence the ~ not a =
Morgoth ~ Satan/Lucifer
Yeah. I get it
I don’t know all the facts in this case.
Love the MANGA dub of this.
We are still doing “thanks obama” ironically?
Vaporizers might be inefficient, but they are the simplest to use.
May the Avatar achieve victory over the treacherous Guardian!
So did Colbert rip off Jason Gallagher or Vice-Versa?
This sentence tells me we can’t be friends. I am sorry.