
Sure can’t.

Filoni is frantically going to try to fix the sequel trilogy with extra context just like he did with the prequel trilogy (which are objectively terrible films that have a few good actors/actresses in them).

Went into it excited. Halfway through the movie (during the jet scene) my niece turns to me and says “Um... This is really bad isn’t it?”

but if you call someone an idiot for liking Rise of Skywalker more than Empire Strikes Back, you aren’t going to win friends or influence people.

Just as long as this one doesn’t have Balls and jive-talking stereotype autobots...

The point Google is trying to make is that Apple CAN support RCS. It is supported by multiple manufacturers and is a public standard. Google is not permitted to support iMessage because Apple won’t allow third party support.

You’re always welcome at Casa De Zoidberg!

It looks like they are leaning into a younger cast. I hope Adler and McNeill get some incidental characters as both are great talents.

I’ve enjoyed your work and your voice. Thank you

* This is a theory only I have, but I am a fan.

30 or so books in and the only true love is for books. There is an arranged marriage, but they are of similar age and don’t act remotely romantic with one another.

Wada thinks family-oriented shows are going to be the new wave in anime

Disney previous CEO took all the money they made from the previous remakes and blew it on the unprofitable Disney+. Bob Iger needs money and he needs it bad.

Umm... I do want that Jack Black mode please.

They got extraordinary pushback and anger about “making fun” of Mahatma Gandhi from some people in India

Now playing

Edit: Saw smithereen posted this already.

It has now been 33 Years since Mr. Belvedere went off the air and 22 Years since the regretful passing of Christopher Hewett (Mr Belvedere himself).

I really liked Gandhi in the original show. Him missing is going to hurt the reboot. He was the tritagonist and the basis for quite a few A and B plots. I really hope they don’t try to put JFK in his place as part of the reason his character is great is that they used him sparingly.

He did take his kid to an amusement park...