
Can someone ELI5 for me how that joke was misogynistic?

Oh pity the poor billionaire...

I am mad at myself for reading this article. 

I wouldn’t say I liked it per se - it is a bad movie. But I certainly respected what it was trying to do, even if it ultimately failed. 

As far as I know, you have done all you can for de-greying. You just have to ask the authors and hopefully they will take a second to check your comment history and de-grey you. A few tips:

I’ll add that Alan Tudyk’ Joker has really grown on me after the many Harley seasons. 

Yeah, I also thought it looked like a Bayformers movie for a second there. 

Yup, their version of Kong is really the best thing the series has. Not that I have a problem with their version of Godzilla. No problem whatsoever. But Kong is really where the series is most confortable.

The thing I really appreciate about these movies is the spectacular level of dumbness to which they commit themselves. There’s no effort to ground the action in any kind of plausibility, like having a scientist character namedrop Einstein-Rosen Bridges in a Marvel movie. It’s just straight-up 19th Century Hollow Earth


*Taps sign*

No. Apple Executives confirmed that keeping Android out of iMessage was to boost iPhone sales. 

It really isn’t. It’s full of fundamental errors in understanding, some of which show he hasn’t even actually read the article in front of him, let alone understood it, and the fact that you apparently don’t realize that is rather sad and depressing.

That’s a lovely bunch of Yank special pleading whinging, frankly.

RCS is also end to end encrypted. If Apple believes end to end is a good thing for consumers, then they should support it no matter who the recipient is, since the standard already exists. Instead they treat it as a I’m-better-than-you status symbol for their exclusive club, and do everything they can to prevent

That is not a bad thing.

Yes. If they can retrofit Foggy and Karen back into it (eliminate the explanation for why they were not there) then it will improve everything dramatically.

Bring back........

Quite the opposite for me. I enjoyed the absurdity of it. And it has my newest favorite Bender quote, would go on my tombstone if I wasn’t already donating my body to science:


Casey Jones’ “Oops!” is just perfect.