So with them knowing that there will be a Season 3 this seems like a likely time for a cliffhanger ending.
So with them knowing that there will be a Season 3 this seems like a likely time for a cliffhanger ending.
Am I the only one who geeked out when, for the first time ever I believe, we got to see inside Slave 1 beyond the cockpit? It was all twisty and turny and amazing.
It is the grad student’s PRIVELEDGE to do it. They should be honored to even be in the same room.
This is the way
Brendan Fraser not Ben Frazer (ooof. I must have been tired)
I just pulled a 32 GB hard drive out of my closet the other day. 3.5 inch.... I am SURE I will use it again someday O_O
I loved every cheesy minute of it. If they had any sense at all they would have connected it to the Ben Frazer Mummy-Verse. (It had Benny in it as Igor for Criminey Sake)
You live a very fortunate life
I was always partial to “When I was on Top of You” insofar as the songs go.
Running fine since launch. Probably played several hundred if not thousands of hours on it
I am from the future. They don’t listen
This is the correct answer
3DS. I returned it.
That killed Arrow for me. The season before that was kind of meh and then that season was just SOOOO bad.
Praise Competition. It will save us from their BS
That assumes competence
They have all the actors they would need to do it.
That’s nuts