Angry Wasp

Who else but BRIAN BLESSED?

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I fucking hate how intrusive ads have gotten. I mean, what’s next? Ads in the Kinja comment thre

I love DC, but this is brilliant.

Inaccurate. Galactica falling was not only awesome, it at least followed (internal) rules of physics by (A) severely damaging the ship as it entered atmosphere and (B) creating a vacuum for air to fill it up after the jump.

What a huge waste of resources.

The Thing form John Carpenter’s The Thing, because what’s more terrifying then not knowing which person is really an eldrich horror waiting to assimilate and then replicate your body.

Corpselight in Action

Whoa! That was 500 years before the universe was created! Magic!

I love how most of these people default to “pussification” or “sissify.”

It may be the engineer in me, but I’m rather partial to this super suit.

The actual episode is much better. The romcom crap ends early.

On the other hand, what he’s doing is justifying Lex Luthor as Superman’s greatest enemy. If kryptonite or magic were all it took to stop Superman, Enchantress or Kryptonite Man would be bigger threats to him. But Luthor: his whole thing is to make Superman feel shitty enough that he will either go away forever, or

Gotham is into its second season

People think Kryptonite can beat him. No. The only thing that can really beat Superman is Superman.

Thanks, James, for the Jessica Jones info. I’m feeling Jeph Loeb’s quote.

Billions of yuan lost, 50 dead, more than 500 injured. Some heads are definitely going to roll over this. That’s for sure. Hopefully higher safety standards will be put in place after this.

Why would any sane person do this? (Don’t answer, I know CW execs aren’t sane) Jason was the most fun when he was over the top, He went to hell, fought Freddie and went to SPAAAACE!

I was watching A View to a Kill (which has the best theme IMO) and I visibly cringed when you had a then late-50s Moore asking a 20 something about her grandfather and then later sleeps with her. Didn’t help that Moore always looked like an old man and the HD remasters only make it worse.

Don’t get the love for Roger Moore. They’re playing all his 007 films on ITV4 at the moment and it just looks like your grandad chatting up a younger woman.