Angry Wasp

Season 6 is all over the place, and season seven really seems lost 2/3rds of the way through, but the last three rpisodes really cap off what was generally a good series.

Crimke existing while female and Daliit.

The forces that drove these laws still exist today. How often is it that those of privledge decy those without much having iphones, or anything beyond the most basic appliances, and the most basic and barest of clothes?

Quite frankly hearing his deliveries, I really do not see what people were complaining about. I have heard far, far worse.

I do love that the Fascists lost.

You just need a red sun guns to slowly weaken him.

Totally Revan. Bet the costume person is a big bioware fan.

My main prob with Richardson is that his voice is so deep that it just sounds off with the Joker. Now I could see him as Two Face, Clayface, or Croc.

Predictions about how long till its cancled?

Oh hey its Bond’s inspiration.

He left because his talent agent told him the Bond franchise was over.

I was introduced to Connery First but Dalton will always be my favorite, even though he was introduced to me after both Moore, Connery, and Pierce.

Hopefully in some way Kyle Katarn as well.


Also in a related vein, if ou’re going for a grant story that is mostlyMil Sci Fi, but with space civilizations and such.

I’d like to add “Storm of Steel”.

Now playing

You all missed the awesome score Conan had.

I’d be more on board with this Supergirl show if they took the crap pop out of the trailers.

I wish for a Greyhawk movie with Vin Disel as a badd ass cleric leading Karl urban a warrior and some other actors into dungeons.

If its milk, or orange juice I’d say yes.