Angry Wasp

How about a post-apocalyptic film that takes place a few decades after the event where people aren’t trying to kill each other all the time?

After the Nat Turner rebellion the slave owners made damn sure that the only bible passages the slaves heard were the ones about obedience, submission and how your time in heaven will be awesome once they've used up your life here on earth for their profit.

The Flash has built up so much trust with me now, they could say they’re crossing over with Gotham and I’d be like: bring it on!

I can’t say no to more Tony Todd.

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

Actually the US sold these to the Saudis. It was designed by Chrysler Defence and is now built/rebuilt by General Dynamics so your statement about being too cheap to diversify is not accurate. The only reason we’re still buying these things is complex but to simplify it for you, the M1A2S is pretty much one the better

I thought he handled the bad writing perfectly. And no, voice actors can’t always “do fine” when they are given terrible content to work with. That’s like saying a good actor can save a film with a bad script and direction. That is simply not the case. Sure, critics can point out that the actor did well for the most

As much as I like the new Nolan 343 Guilty Spark impression, I still have absolutely no issue with Dinklage’s performance. He was given shit lines to say, and he said them as I expected a robot to say them; with just a hint of emotion. You can only do so much with bad/corny writing, and Dinklage’s deadpan delivery is

People say this when an organization hands down discipline to offending parties and I’m not sure they understand what they’re saying. Curt Schilling is protected by the First Amendment in that he has the freedom to say whatever he damn well pleases. However, his employer as a private enterprise can discipline their

Wow, I didn’t realize that ESPN was an arm of the United States government...

i think he was confusing “Nazis” with “Nazr Mohammed”, the famous Muslim basketball player. something like that, maybe. anyway see you guys later

At this point if you’re ESPN, you either fire him or you don’t. He’s going to keep being Facebook uncle forever.

But these short-range figthers seem to far out of range for there not to be a space station around here.

Still wondering about this one. It’s too big to be a space station.

Ah, but now the amount of “No Award” votes is proof to the Pound Puppies of the very conspiracy by progressives that they had organized their own conspiracy against in the first place!

But, in all seriousness, seeing this all play out has been interesting.

I’ll give the usual suggestion: All-Star Superman and Superman: Red Son are two of the most interesting, nuanced, and entertaining takes on Supes that’ve ever been done. Strongly advised.

I’m still upset that his Justice League with a Megan Gale Wonder Woman never happened. Hopefully there’s a place for her in the new DCU.

If only NASA could get a whole 1% of the budget, all these concerns about a few hundred million to fund an American crew transportation system would be over!

There’s only one Brahmin in Megaton, no food is shown to grow, and the premise of The Pitt implies there is no trade with the outside of the DC Wasteland.

Self referentially, while everyone is FEV exposed, even in the original Fallout there was nowhere near that much radiation, anywhere except The Glow. And while yes, DC got more bombs, the precedence was always “This radiation is murdery.”

Think of how fast radiation kills the Player Character in Fallout 3; your