Angry Wasp

I want Cold to be all, ‘Great. There’s two of them,’ only to have the men of the Firestorm Matrix demand to know what’s wrong with that.

In semi-related news, check out this Flash Season 2 poster:

Does this mean a potential spot for Doctor Fate too?

You know what would be a really great idea, let’s get a Swamp Thing TV show on the CW. It’d be canon with the Arrowverse and it’d really help boost the more mystical elements of the Arrowverse. Plus we have John Constantine appear in the show for crossovers. Also it shows the love between a woman and a Plant Elemental

“It’s not a disaster!” - S. Kinberg.

Is it supposed to look like Ming-Na Wen? Because it doesn’t at all. Not to me, anyway.

i just hope that DC cinematic universe won’t put more restriction on DC shows as we get closer to the release dates of their movies.

Boooooooooo! Why must you limit the potential! DC you were doing so well with your TV universe! Don’t just spread your stuff all over town, never the twain shall meet!

Oh my God it looks like the bastard daughter of Mad Max, Archer and the Dukes of Hazzard.

... that’s like saying we should have trusted Constantine to the people behind West Wing, ER, and Law and Order (like, good, pre-Angie-Harmon-era Law and Order).

But are we really to trust this character to the network behindThe Big Bang Theory?

I just hope the well hasn’t been poisoned too much. Both for the audience and potential actors who may be scared off.

Sadly, Disney decided to give JJ the sandbox to play with, and he’s given no indication that he wishes to use ANYTHING from the EU.

Give. Us. Thrawn.

It’s fucking uncanny!

The guy who made Red Dawn is the model for Walter Sobchak? THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.

You should be careful, it is my understanding that Tycho Brahe both deserves to be on the list, and will probably cut someone to get on it. Even though he’s dead.

Hopefully marvel does exactly that with Dr Strange.

I think if you’re going to have a successful adaptation of the FF, they either need to be supplementary characters in an X-men, Avengers, or Spider-man story or you really do need to follow the example of X-men: First Class, and make the movie a period piece set in the early 60’s and let it fully embrace its weird