Angry Wasp

I have never seen something that screams 90s tv show as this.

Charge a fee, rake in the cash.

Oh we will, however it will require the acceptance of certain truths and the abandonment of certain ideologies that infest western thought now.

I thought alcohol was haram.

Miracle? You have watched CBS right?

Please get Stackpole to help write it.

Heres an idea, take the old Canon stuff, go over it, see what works, and then rewrite what works so it can be part of the new canon.


I have only seen the first mention, needless to say I do not ever want to see any other of the films on the list.

Everyone but Scarlett Witch and Emma Frost was good.

You forgot the attempt to cover up Atenism in Egypt.

Thats really mean to Goblins.

If it meant I never had to hear another libertarian? Why not.

Its called the commerce clause, idiot.

Excuse me I am catholic, and I very much support this, you should be wary of cutting off your hand to spite your enemy.

Yes that why Obama says that local municipalities should be able to make their own internet. So the big companies can get a even better hold of the market. Oh wait that doesn't make sense. But then remember I am talking to someone who thinks a person not starving because they get food stamps is the greatest tragedy

Nope idiot, its worse when we get screwed because a internet company will not ugrade its infrastucture to the level of Romania and basically double charges users for use of certain websites.

Its so shitty that places don't end up like Galveston, a economic waste because no government support would come. (Its also why Huston is so big now). Look I know you hate the idea that people receive help. You really do think that its a tragedy that people receive help rather than people die. Also how am I "screwed"

You're a libertarian, that makes you wrong by default.

Whining libertarians.