Angry Wasp

He won't libertarians have this thing called praexology that allow them to ignore the actual truth.

Yeah thats called first amendment.

Yep the people who whine about fire departments existing have logic.

Yep ensuring customers are not screwed is a horrible atrocity. But then I am speaking to a libertarians who would argue that government helping people after a hurricane is a tragedy, rather than the hurrican itself.

Makes me proud that I own not only original Homeworld, but also Homeworld 2, and Cataclysm.

Remember everyone Theologians are bad because they are theologians.

I still have my copy of homeworld, bought it in 2000 on sale for 20$. Still is one of my all time favorite games.

If you want something that will challenge the general tendency History takes towards whiggishness, along with a appreciation that we generally have trouble comprehending foreign cultures, read this wonderful, if somewhat dated tome. I will admit that the conservatism at the authors can be quite shocking at times, but

Even funnier was that the Turks were using YPG to help them guard the site until it became to dangerous. THe YPG are Kurds. Also to bad the Daesh got to strong.

I'll translate that for non ancaps, I hate you and have no retort. I am going home.

Being that your right come from society, whether they initiate "force" or not is up to society to decide. Also its up to society to decide what would be a excess of force. It is quite possible society to decide that its final arbiter or various agencies within a society acted rashly, but then it is the judge as are

Churches, Social Clubs, even the families, all seek to exert pressure against those who commit actions that are a taboo agaisnt their respective societies. Also ancap its a societies right to protect its values and you should not be interfering in it. Also if you feel so bad about the native Americans than maybe you

Of course you do, in fact society as a whole sanctions what is fine by it and what is not sanctioned. Some actions that are considered taboo are only pressured into not happening by various smaller institutions of a society, however if a action is considered a affront to the general order a society will react with

Well it is, you saying something doesn't make it so. People have to choose to allow all to have privileges rather than the few, and to say otherwise is a fantasy. Also I love the use of the F word.

Nice try to quibble libertarian, your rights only exist because the majority agree, and I could care less about the Daesh, they pose a existential threat to other societies so they can therefore be exterminated. Also discourse and general attempts to change opinion are what leads to societies deciding to grant

Well you are a denier and there can be no conversation with you, because you are a monster. Really when we treat you creatures as monsters, not as people engaging in good faith arguments is when we move foreword.

Building and funding them, plus Thorium Breeder reactors are what are really needed. Not enough Uranium.

Yep thats why we shouldn't do anything, because the libertarian loves his car more than his descendents future.

Ah a sociopath comes in to deny people are dying.