Angry Wasp

I never said Society is always right, I said that rights can only exist because society says so. You never disproved any of your rights only exist because the vast majority actually is fine with it,

it also took general society realizing the evilness of such a institution for it to be done away with. Also I thought an caps loved the csa and hated tyrant Lincoln.

Rothbard was and Rockwell is plus there's hhh.

Yes just because you whine and copmplain doesn't make something so. Sorry ancap.

Actually it does, you see it is the agreement of the general society that makes something right.

Oh the ancap now pretends to care about police brutality.

Remember everyone expecting you to pay for a fire department is thuggishness.

Ah the ancap pretends to care about the poor.

Actually iots really simple, you have no rights. Your're rights only exist because everyone else is wiling to let you have them. If the majority said they didn't believe in free speech and jailed you you would not have free speech. If the majority said there was no such thing as private property and jailed you when

Oh good we have the Ancap to tell us how everything would be fine if we got rid of fire departments.

Oh wow so you want to waste more of my tax money on a fucking war in another civilization. Yeah you can go fuck yourself. I am not having my money wasted on idiots like you.

Lol nice try. I assume you also want us soldiers to invade turkey now as well.

Yes they are such an ally that members of their government probably financed 9/11.

also we do all that you decry. That is what nations do.

yeah we harbor plenty of terrorists. I would like to know why you want my tax dollars going to fight a war in a different civilization.

Iran really doesn't threaten us. Now Saudi Arabia on the other hand.

War monger? Remind when did Iran invade a middle eastern country in the last 15 years supposed WMDs?

Cannibal Holocaust is something that will scar you for life, I got a copy of it when I was 14 and I really just was sickened by all the animal murder, plus the even nastier stuff in it. It was interesting to see an antecedent to found footage films.

If they want him to really be in highschool, why not just make it a fucking TV show and connect it to the rest of the MCU? Make it like the Flash.

14 part film series does not sound like something I would want to do. Now converting a 14 book series into some sort of tv format souns like something I would say is doable, tobad they didn't have the rights.