Angry Wasp

Favorite story in the Sandman.

Make it a animated tv show like young justice.

"The Penetraitor fights the Church of the Final Coming"okay they had to know that was a double entendre.

I think it could be done in 8 seasons but yes the budget would have to be quite large and would probably require European shoots from several countries. Also possibly Turkey.

I prefer Egwene because she proves a masterful manipulator.

I think its more just a joke about the limited budgets that B5 had to work with.

Their run by the islamicocmmiedemorat invaders. (Seriously Goodkind made the bad guys a chimera of rightwing fear).

Oh Hai Halo.

They've been asking for this for a long time. I still remember when they launched that shitty kickstarter. I also remember how they ensured the comic book never ended.

Do you want similar plot or setting?

That was what made the series good, Atlas Shrugged as high fantasy doesn't work.

I loved it through book 6, then it went through four books of bad and meh, with the 11th being a nice return to what I was expecting, New Spring kind of sucked, but then the last two were decent.

Sword of truth and jsutice do not compute. LOS was awesome though just for how ridiculous it was.

I agree with all of this, but I want to know. HOW DID YOU WATCH ALL OF CHARMED? I mean that show was basically Charlies Angels with fucking magic, it was such shit.

Of all things you found it derivative of you thout Elric?

It looks like someone might still if Legal action happens.

Legend of the seeker really only had the characters and then did its own thing with them. Really it was Xena with more of arc.

I was actually alright with the end.

Instead make the Merlin Books into a four season series like Rome.