Angry Wasp

Time Warner already did it. Probably both as an insurance policy and as a nice way to keep others from trying to do the same.

I remember seeing ads for it on my video copy of Small Soldiers.

Generally ts been found that vaxxers are not limited in their political ideology. They are however largley upper class idiots. This more than anything puts to rest the idea that people who are rich are naturally smarter.

On one hand I do believe that it should be between this women, her husband and God whether she has gone against the 7th commandment. Of course if she starts claiming herself a good Christian again and claiming to be a righteous person than I see no problem holding this against her. Jesus believed in forgiveness but he


We need to somehow get this show on Television.

Oh well now interstellar wasn't great, but American Sniper? Seriously?

Does it continue to lionize the Bourbons?

I want to know how anyone actually reading the script didn't just tell Bay to drop the scene.

Did he always wear that paper bag?

Ah it so good that the biege dictatorship (all 3.5 parties) is so big about turining the UK into a police state, and destroying its legacy.

I'm sorry but even the campiness can not redeem this show. It was always shit.

The show is a zombie.

Judas was a very, very common name though, in fact a nationalist would probably adopt the name at the time, being that it was the name of the leader of the Maccabees rebellion against the selucids.

Moorcock is a left wing anarchist, generally he is the polar opposite of what Tolkien was despising tradition and seeing the LOTR as a tale of reactionaries destroying progress.

I always thought that the flight part could have been solved in the first movie, make it so that she was absorbing Magnetos power long enough that she got his levitation from that.

I would like to see one movie show him as a pragmatic, and brutal warlord, loved by the lower classes but hated by merchants and the nobility.

Very true, imagine how many will side when he says that (as I also see it) Abortion is the ultimate comoditication of human life, and is a sign of our cultures inhumanity.

Most evangelicals see Catholics as heathans.

And people are aghast when I say a new crusade against heresy is needed.