Angry Wasp

I think part of the reason that the Fitchner problem existed was some people seeing it as a whitecasting of Shredder, of course by the time that it came out it really was to late to reverse course.

Parents are why the second sucks (fucking baby boomers claiming that us millennials couldn't take the violence), the third you really have to wonder wtf was new line thinking especially with all the stuff from the comics they could have used.

T H E God of this world blinding the eyes of the men of the world, have taken possession of them and their Lives, Rules and Raigns, and in a high measure opposeth the everlasting spirit, the King of Righteousness; both in them, and on the whole Creation, bending all

Have you ever heard of the Valley of Wolves movies?

I like Serenity, and it had its strengths, but it was just an above average Science Fiction show. Also the western part was a bit overdone.

How about they recreate the Omega glory with rational american white aliens fighting comie asian aliens?

I liked Noah.

The suicide squad movie needs Manu Bennet.

You now The Children of Hurin could be epic.

Tim Burtons films are light hearted? You guys remember the opening to Batman Begins right?

Actually it is our Holiday, the reason Dec 25 was chosen was being that Christ was a righteous man and that all righteous man die on the day they were conceived. Christs death was for a long time in the early church declared to be on March 25, therefore making his birth dec 25th, in fact by the time of Sevarus it was

I thought this was a DC vs Marvel thing (Thor vs the Flash).

Libertarians who make this shit tend to have a tenuous grasp on reality.

The britsh empire only believed in free trade at its own terms.

Tears are good racist.

One, Chris Taylor is a experienced developer of table top, so this could be really good. Secondly there is the problem that the IP is probably in the same legal quandry that No one Lives forever is. no one knows who owns it.

Ah green peace thanks for reminding me why I deo't shed a tear when you guys get arrested.

Remember he also is a WW2 vet, yes we have a WW2 vet making metal albums that kick ass.

You can't enjoy the Ice Puns?