Angry Wasp
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Casablanca in Space happened already, its called Profit and Loss.

They're also vicious cannibals.

It hurts so much more now that Andy Hallet is dead.

I always loved him, yes he started off a bit one note but its was still intriguing to have an obvious intel operative on the station. Plus his devotion to Cardassia was great constant subject.

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That really is one of my favorite scenes in Bablyon 5. I also love how they fake the audience out and make you think that the Narn are going to do something horrible to her, but instead save her from something they cannot fully fathom

Season 1, and into season 2 was kind of a love sick puppy who was a foil for O'Brien and Garak. However as he grew as a character he became a real bad ass, saving a species in the delta quadrant, doing analysis over the Dominion war for the Federation, and becoming a (unwilling) intelligence operative.

`Here's an idea discovery, how about show some documentaries?

Should I rent it? I am finally getting a break in my life, and I nee a recommendation.

I got an idea for the Script.

Cops showing why they are all about protecting and serving.

I would be fine just completely dismantling what they have built.

Great 30% fallow Dharmic relgions, that somehow makes them comparable to someone who doesn't believe we are making the planet less habitable for humans. Also I think it was a repbulican president who was a astrologist. (reagan)

Nope most tea partiers no matter the state are fucking idiots. Everyone I know is a degenerate who blames everyone else for their problems, and thinks that if we only "increase freedom" they could be millionaires.

I know plenty of idiots in the tea party who hate vaccines and monsanto.

Seriously this, that scene had me pissed, being that I am studying chemistry. I meant why not just claim that cnetral city has one of the few facilities that makes a bullshit alloy and leave it at that.

Best line "my cousin just stutters"

If they ever do Deathstroke it better be Manu Bennet.

Remember everyone we have nothing to worry about rising sea levels or changing weather patterns.

Being that the last one glorified the Borubons maybe this will glorify imperialism.

I wonder how his armor worked with his deformity.