Angry Wasp

Walder's betrayal of Guest Right has made it so that if the tables are down the Lannisters will sell his house down the river. In the books its looking increasingly likely that none of his heirs will live to see him die because of his actions.

He had good intentions but once he started to use chemical weapons he showed that he had become almost as bad as Dukat.

The most interesting character on a medicore at best show. He always was plotting to screw everyone else over, and had his own plan. (Yes I am aware that in the comics Lex had a father, but he was a one note charcter that barely appeared).

I kind of agree with him, really this wouldn't be such a problem if this were some OTHER FLASH. I mean why not Wally West or Jay Garrick?

So being more a DC guy then a marvel guy, are the Kree like The Reach effectively? And vice versa. I understand of course that in comic books everyone steals from each other quite openly.

According to a friend of mine who worked as one of the aliens, he was an all around better person on set than Pine.


Yeah Kirsten Dunst was fine.

That episode of TOS is so under appreciated.

More Discworld and some Wheel of Time love would be nice. Also while its not great I think that as a Young Adult trilogy of Tetrilogy that they could make a Memory, Sorrow, Thorn.

On one hand I cannot defend this kind of theft, but knowing that Walmart is a complete asshole to its suppliers and its employees makes me not in any way feel any empathy for them.

Not my kind of film, but I know alot of people who like it. Really could easily be a cult film.

I thought it has a cult fallowing.

I absolutely loved this movie, and it was just left to die by Disney, seriously the movie wasn't even given a chance.

I had a rumor phone that I left in my jeans, and then of course did my laundry.

Its more ASOIAF, WOT, with a bit of LOTR.

He should have genetically altered the fish, then he would have a argument.

I want to know how crazy they will go with Cupid. Arrow needs a episode that goes off the walls.

I actually consider WOT superior to ASOIAF in World Building (which is why I defend it), when it comes to the characters, not so much.