Angry Wasp

Just make her be a recurring character on Agents of Shield.

This should say, Welfare Queen claims evolution is not true.

Now playing

They really just need to somehow bring this song to the show.

I think that applies to most DC crime fighters.

I'll actually defend her on that one, seriously if you look at the history of bank failures and peoples reactions sending in swat is the only way you are going to ensure any person who has ever worked at that bank doesn't get lynched.

If he ever did he wouldn't be the magnificent ferengi he is.

Sorry but I am firmly in the Olicity camp.

  • Council of Elvira (c. 305)

Actually the Virgin birth part was added with the gospel of Matthew and Luke. So it was from the first century, however the first text tyhat we have on record the Gospel of Mark starts like this.

The Venture Bros. It started as a parody of 60s shows likeJohnny quest and turned into a hilarious deconstruction of 70s and 80s shows.

Being that I loved the 1800s and this was before the wild west legos, Playmobil was one of the main toys I owned as a kid.

Where is Faith?

Thats why I think personally if you want to see the future of war, go back 30 years to mesopotamia. You'll find it in the swamps of Basra, mass formations of infantry fighting as nations no longer have the capability to wage full industrial war. Or at the least to wage it on full capacity.

I would prefer to make it difficult.

If you watched Voyager you would know they do that to.

Think about West Virginia!

Do you not mean General Veers?

Yeah privatization of space will not get off this planet. The public as a corporate whole must be brought back to space.
