Angry Wasp

If you really want to make a change go local. and state wide, fracking can easily be turned into a issue if you show buildings wrecked in earthquakes and faucets on fire.

Ceterum censeo Cancer esse delendam

I being a bit of a pessimist think this will only come in the atlantic west if there is a large population of non citizens who cannot benefit, and this will only be done when the ruling class are brought to task by a Ceaser.

All I'll just say to that is 1789 solutions are always on the table.

Now playing

Final Destination 3 this film had to be made as a comedy.

At the end of the day its all about world building, could you create another story that is different but could be set in the same world the original story was placed.

I would prefer if they make her the krytonian of the TV universe.

He is complaining because he won't come out and say that elderly who use Social Security are a bunch of ungrateful moochers.

Its not just theocons, talk to a member of the libertarian or green parties.

You know even though I am a christian, I actually have thought of every thing she said of why Dawkins should be opposed for secular reasons. I think I will favorite this because this really is a wonderful essay.

I think you are partially right, but corporate states I doubt will arise, corporations cannot exist without states in their current form, also I suspect the pan national organization will be a hardening of power blocks, dominated by one of the former nations. Personally I see something like NATO turning into a trade

I think you mean Illuin

I really do not think it will be China with its water problems that comes out of this. Of course as a student of Spengler I am more convinced that the west will collapse like other civilizations collapsed, through a progressive stagnation, after the creation of a civilization state.

They got a new leader.

Neither but District 9 is superior.

Well at least this isn't just poorly disguised Russian Nationalism, like Antoly Formenkos tripe. This is just someone being a crank.

Seriously how could they not have Superman's song? like that song embodies superman. Of course I think we are at the point where super humans should be there own seperate genre.

Now playing

Blind Guardian. All about Dune. Also I would hope if you do a top 100 fantasy themed songs they get at least 3.