Angry Wasp

1. Fallout 2, perhaps after marrowind is one of the most immersive rpg games ever made. Fixes all the problems of the first game, and also still has a strong modding scene.

Globalization got to love it.

Up till the lawsuits begin, then they'll get lobbyists to pass laws protecting them from lawsuits. But then most are fine with freedom for themselves, they just don't like it for anyone else.

Great Idea, but then we'd still have had chicken littles after 1979.

No I would say that we have been moving more and more to short term thinking and getting rid of long term thinking entirely. I blame our culture.

That we had much earlier fought global warming, and had not been a bunch of chicken littles about nuclear power.

Considerning about 45% of Texas hates the right wing aprt. I say its better to fund a insurgency there.

I want this fukcer to try, then we can do what is neceserry to him and the othber creatures. I say this time we take a page from Rome, the citites where they are the majority will be laid waste and salted, the populations will be dispersed throuhout the rest of the usa and new people will come to settle them. I guess

Freedom for me but not for thee.

Yeah here making ID like that mandatory, while at the same time easy to get would get you called a communist.

Then make it easy for people to obtain their birth certificates.

Remember Whedon was intending to kill off Oz, but the actress wanted out. Then she became a fundamentalist, and Whedon never ever wanted to touch her character again.

Are you calling Becker awful?

In France Game of Thrones is called Trone De Fer. (The Iron Throne).

It will probalby be on the CW.

Can a few games work?

It really did not help that Rick Berman was still involved.

I will always love how athiests engage in their own fairy tales. Primarily in denying history because it helps their agenda.

You know if you talked to certain randoids, the Elysium thing makes sense.

I think this was more Kirk liked his secretaries to be as close to him as possible at all times.