Angry Wasp

Seriously this, or jsut not make it Barry Allan, of course I also think the whole goal should be a Crisis movie, where they try to merge the tv universe with the movie universe.

Can't they just make the Flash Wally West? The only Barry I know is Grant Gustin.

Maybe when Liefled wrote him. However now he is one of the best parts of marvel.

Ah the sociopath whines about doing something for his superiors.

How about all the money we give away to the oil industry, if oil is in demand they'll make money.

You see this is why I am fine with just cutting off a huge swath of america, they obviously cannot appreciate what they have,

Dunning Kruger Effect.

Maybe it just was that it was heavy handed commentary on the Bush Administration but,

You are talking to a libertarian. They think that is a fantastic idea, but then thats what happens when you talk to the mentally unsound.

No Hayek was wrong, in fact libertarian that man has built us to destruction. Also it does not take a marxist to figure out that man was very wrong.

Such is the natural result of neoliberalism.

The Problem DS9 had was that it ensured it never could get a franchise because Sisko dies at the end and everyone is reassigned/ has to leave to rebuild their people.

Berman was a producer who should have been let go when Voyager ended, he was great for a time when drama was very episodic, and not driven by arcs, but by the time of Enterprise the formulas he liked to work with were dying, and Enterprise showed that.

Don't give them any ideas.

DS9 had plenty of wonder, it just tempered it with some realizations about human nature.

If they did oldtrek I want a Worf TV show with Tuvok .

YOu have never watched the shows have you?

Now playing

First Men in Tights was better, second what about the 80s television show?