Angry Wasp

If you mean, bombarding a rebels position in Luhanks, well its called war, and the rebels hae routinely made civilians the target, so you do not have a leg to stand on, and unlike the Israelis the Ukranians actually try to protect civilians,. BTW Russian be prepared for anther Smuta.

Remember everyone russian supporters logic protestors who push back against police/.= to armed thugs who enrage in the open murder of their fellow Ukrainians and shoot down civilian airliners.

No, If Russia is going to try to anschuls the eastern Ukraine I say its time to let them reap the whirlwind, make them remember their last little foray into a foreign country 35 years ago.

Rap is far superior to disco.

Also being that there are numerous accusations that they got the signatures through fraud I think we could see them forced back to the drawing board. Of course this is why I want mandatory care for sociopaths.

I want him to be Alexis Denisof.

Didn't help that they kind of tried to fit in one shows worth into a season.

Oh he is a shrewd businessman, he is also a very bad person, and I really do not want Warner to be in his hands. Plus he is going to die sooner then later and when he dies his family will fight over his empire so I would not want to see all that is time Warner lost in the fight as different children take what they

Why can it not be those shitty magazines?

He supported a guy who was a Thacherite how does that not make him a bad person?

This was just when they were starting to make it. Although by the time the set photos started to come in I think most changed their tune. I actually thought it could go either way.

I think it was because before that all he had done was soap operas, and well at the time besides supernatural CW was known as the place of teen soap operas. I prejudged the show because I didn't trust the network. Also was still bitter over small ville.

Did you slap them?

Whats really funny is that he could if the superman thing falls through become the future of DC outside of comics. (I personally hope not, and hope they eventually can bridge the two continuities, but I always know everything can go wrong).

Its kind of funny that for once it wasn't that someone of darker skin tone was being cast but someone of lighter.

I think he should be happy to have dodged a bullet, because sony doesn't know how to do the character justice.

Seriously that was jsut ridiculi9us. I liked the idea because it made sense to have it so that spiderman is now a symbol.