Angry Wasp

I did when I was 12.

I guess for me its that there are plenty of very talented Bollywood actors, who could have done the part justice, and they didn't go with them.

Really? I mean the Ultimates version is literally Samuel L Jackson.

Also I remember alot of people including myself voicing large amount of opposition to this guy becoming Oliver Queen.

Yeah I remember a lot of people getting pissed about this.

Yeah I have avoided anything my Michael Bay.

That is more of a AFV.

For somereason it makes me think of this.

So then you're fucked either way.


Well being that its being talked about the next avengers introducing the "Inhumans" this could be done.

Now playing

As long as they keep the original Opening Song.

Personally I day just give her the Ultimate Thor Armor.

Its the fact that one blow to the center could crack it.

Kitty Pryde?

BTW I thought this was pertinent.

BTW This is how you do armor.